Chapter 8

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It was already late, San had stayed at the library to study something, when San and Wooyoung came back to their dorm. The thought of the events which took place between Wooyoung and Hyunsuk took place in the cafeteria, made San extremely sad.

San was thinking how to remove all the enmities between Wooyoung and Hyunsuk. He had no other choice than to ignore Wooyoung. He knew his this act would make the other piss off very badly but he has to do this, after all Wooyoung's the one who's hurting the shorter. He unconsciously walked inside their bedroom.

It was already 5 minutes since Wooyoung was continuously calling the other to question about the events that had taken place in cafeteria. San wasn't replying to Wooyoung, which made the said name get more and more impatient.

Losing his patience, Wooyoung abruptly grabbed San's wrist of his right and pinned him harshly to the nearest wall of their dorm.

Leaving a painful groan, San looked at Wooyoung to ask, "What th--" before San could finish his sentence, his eyes met the worst nightmare, Wooyoung's dangerous glaring eyes. A dreadful silence filled the room or rather their bedroom.

After a few minutes of silence, staring at eachother, Wooyoung spoke up, "Why are you not responding me?" in a deep, arrogant and cold voice.

"I-I didn't h-hear you... I-I'm s-sorry...." San replied while slightly shivering in fear. He was by heart trying to control not to show how scared he was that time.

Wooyoung was not satisfied with the other's answer. He couldn't get the fact that how come San couldn't hear him, he was literally screaming at the other's ears. "I was literally screaming at the top of my lungs to get your attention and you're saying you didn't hear ME?!" Wooyoung said, raising his voice at the end. San just remained silent, hanging his head low.

Wooyoung was so frustrated that he clenched his right fist and raised it in the air which made San to quickly shut his eyes and tilt his head to the side in a defensive manner as he couldn't use his left arm as it had was plaster. Wooyoung was about to land a harsh punch on the small boy infront of him, but before even he could move his fist, he noticed San's left arm, which had plaster because of him.

Guilt wrapped him. Pretending to scratch the back of his head,

"Why did you close your eyes?" Wooyoung spoke up without any emotions in it.

Opening his eyes, San noticed that Wooyoung was just scratching the back of his head. Shaking his head in a 'no' San spoke up, "Nothing, I thought you would h-hit me...." in a cautious tone.

"I'm not gonna hit you." was all Wooyoung said before letting go San's right arm's wrist. The said name's eyes widened in suprise to notice the sudden change in the other's behaviour.

Looking on his shoulder, Wooyoung spoke up, "From next time, don't bring that Hyunsuk with you. It's the last and first warning." with a warning tone in his voice though he spoke calmly. Making a suprised face, San while widening his eyes, he questioned, "Why?".
"BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO!!" Wooyoung yelled at the shorter making the other flinch hard.

San immediately hung his head down, shivered a little in fear. Wooyoung was about get out of the bedroom when suddenly he heard the other's voice.

"It's my choice whether to bring him or not. If you are 𝑠𝑜 uncomfortable then don't join us in the cafeteria."

Wooyoung couldn't believe that San spoke up against his orders. He clenched his fists so hard that his joints of his fingers became white. He knew he was slowly getting out of control so to calm him down he started to take slow deep breaths.

Calming himself a bit down, Wooyoung turned towards San's direction where he was still leaning against the wall, he slowly approached the shorter. Placing his both hands to the either side of the other's head, Wooyoung slowly leaned down to San's height, to his ears. The said named male became tensed, his neck muscles got clenched and gasped faintly.

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