Just Life

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Jordan's P.O.V

Life is just amazing, isn't it? Wrong, it sucks and it sucks so much it hurts. My boyfriend cheated on me, I lived, I have 2 weeks in this damn hospital and I only get to see my brother since only one person can stay with me. He even sleeps next to me! Well, the last one isn't a bad one really. At least one family member can stay with me. Life has been hell recently. Im 2 days into the hospital stay and im going mental. The food is disgusting. The nurses have dyed my hair a boring brown colour and all im allowed to wear it short dresses so they can look at my cuts.

Im currently wearing a checked red and blue dress with short black sleeves and im bare footed. Im sat on my bed with my legs crosses facing Andy.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks, looking at the time.
"Its not that early. Its only 4 o'clock" I reply, laughing a bit.
"Its too early in Andy Land, so, go and look at the vending machine. There is nicer food in there" He winks and goes back to sleep.

I pull myself from my bed and saunter out of my private room. After grabbing my phone! I walked down the stairs slowly because of my sudden dizziness. I hadn't eaten for the 2 days because I felt fat and just plain rubbish! My dizziness made me cling to the rail tightly. My legs gave way and I fell down my arms fell in front of me and I tried to climb to the landing. I got there when I blacked out.


I woke up to a loud beeping sound which sounded to familiar to be real. I flutter my eyes open and my hand hurt. I looked down and saw a sharp needle stuck in my hand connected to a tube to a clear liquid drip.

"You never said you weren't eating?" Andy says, frowning slightly. His face red.
"Have you been crying?" I asked, stunned at my brother.
"Me and the guys are going on tour in 2 weeks and we wont be here to see you leave" He whispers and looks into my eyes.
"Oh, um, that's okay. Don't worry about it. Which tour is it?"
"Warped. A big one with AA, FIR, MIW and loads of other bands. We are on main stage most of the time." He replies happily.

I look at him and smile. I was proud of my brother, for achieving a great lot. But, sadly, he wont see me leave this place. I know I should be happy but I wanted to see him when I get rid of all my horrible 'illnesses'.

"I'm so proud of you-" I start but stop when i see a doctor walk in with a large smile.                                "Go home. You can go. We cant really keep you in for another 2 weeks!" He says.


"You do know what that doctor meant, didn't you Andy?" I ask, getting into the car.                                  
 "What did he mean?" He replies.                                                                                                                      
  "I'm a- Never mind. So, you are getting married in a week!" I shout.                                                              
 "I'm excited! Tuesday will be a good day! Today is Friday and I still don't have my tux!"                        
   "Oh, well speed up and I shall call the guys!"  I suggested and got out my phone.

I told them all to meet Andy at a shop downtown in about 5 minutes so after dropping my off home, he rushed off.

"Mom? Dad?" I called, as I entered the front door. No reply. I shrugged my shoulders but I knew they were here just scared I was a stranger. I put my bags down and walked into the kitchen. I looked in our fridge and grabbed strawberries, blueberries and small pot of fat-free vanilla yogurt. I took out a white heart-bowl and spooned the yogurt into the bowl and sprinkled the fruits on top. How very Tumblr of me! I ate slowly, savouring the sweet taste of the strawberries. This was a good meal!

Since it was now 10 O'Clock, I decided just to walk around the house. As I sauntered  up the stairs. I noticed many pictures that have just been put up. Pictures of mom and dad, mom and Cassie, dad and Cassie. Family at various weddings and funerals and stuff. One stopped me from walking any further. 


"Andy!" Cassie screamed as Andy squirted her with his water gun.                                                              "Ha!" He screamed back but just as Cassie squirted him back, right in the mouth!              
I was only five. I had stragly blonde hair with my bright blue eyes. Half my teeth missing.                      

"Meet your brother and sister" Mom sighed.


I smiled. I looked away and carried on walking. I noticed Juliet's bags in the spare room. Must be for the wedding.
I continue to walk into Andy's room. The familar sent of cologne. The torn posters from when he was a teenager. The black walls were messy but he loved it. It was one of the biggest rooms in the house! I looked in his wardrobe and draws for a shirt I could steal when I came across and piece of paper. My 1st note... I looked at it and found 6 or 7 blades attached to the back. He had gathered everything up, well, tried to anyway! I put them away and moved on to a black hoodie. It was so oversized, it came down to mid-thigh. I took it and took of my jeans. I ran into my room and grabbed some over the knee black socks. I put shorts (that you couldnt see) on. I grabbed my phone and ran to a place to meet a friend. The one friend who i can now trust with my life...

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