12. Goblin king

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The freezing cold heavy rain hit Rebekah's body like bullets and the strong unpredictable winds made her body shiver uncontrollably. Her lips had started turning blue from the cold weather.

"Look a cave!" Dwalin yelled and pointed further up the path. Rebekah turned around and exhaled a sigh of relief when her eyes landed on the small opening, safety she thought.

Thorin wrapped his arm around Rebekah's shoulders and escorted her into the small, dark and sandy cave.

"Looks safe enough" Dwalin said and lit a lantern.

"Search to the back, caves in the mountain are seldom unoccupied" Thorin ordered. Dwalin gently nodded and started searching.

"There's nothing here" Dwalin said.

Rebekah leaned her back against the stone wall and gently slid down. Her tired body did not have the energy to stand for a moment longer.

"Right then, let's get a fire going" Gloin said and stacked up a pile of chopped up furniture from Rivendell.

"No, no fires. Not in this place" Thorin ordered.

Rebekah tried to warm her hand by cupping them over her mouth, exhaling her warm breath and gently rubbed her hand together but to no use. Her hands were too cold to even feel her breath on them. She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

Thorin glanced over and noticed Rebekah's shivering body. He walked over and sat down next to her. He leaned his back against the wall he placed his right arm around her shivering body and pushed her closer to him in attempt to keep her warm. Rebekah leaned in and placed her head on his shoulder. He gently placed his cheek on the top of her head.

"Everyone get some sleep, we start at first daylight. Bofur you take first watch" Thorin ordered.

Rebekah closed her tired eyes and shortly after fell asleep.


Suddenly she was awoken by Thorin's loud voice echoing in the small cave. She quickly sat up and looked around the cave confused, wondering what was happening. She slowly saw a large crack forming in the sand they all were resting on. She didn't have the time to think about was it was before the cave floor gave in and everybody fell down a large slide.

The slide was steep and they quickly picked up speed, the slides sharp turned caused them to bump into each other before landing in a large wood like cage.

Rebekah laid over Bombur with Bofur on top of her. She looked up and immediately saw a large group of goblins running towards them, she tried to reach for her sword but Bofur was too heavy.

The goblins attacked and quickly forced everyone up on their feet. Rebekah tried to free herself from the goblins firm grip around her upper arms but they were too strong.

The whole company was taken with two goblins holding their arms tightly on each side, they formed a straight line and was forced to walk forward onto the wobbly narrow wooden bridge. Her eyes landed on Bilbo who was walking in front of her, all she wanted to was to hug him tightly but all of a sudden Bilbo crouched down.

Her eyebrows furrowed wondering what he was up to. She quickly realized that none of the goblins had seen him because of his small frame. She turned her head back forward so none of the goblins would wonder what she was looking at and detect her hiding friend.

They walked further down the wooden bridge, Rebekah's eyes caught the sight on goblins staring down at them. Their round eyes and large teeth made her feel unleash. The goblins cheerful screams filled the large cave causing a loud echo.

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