8. Wargs

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Rebekah and the rest of the company was hiding behind a large rock while Gandalf was the look out to see if the coats was clear. Radagast had lured the orc pack out of the woods and into the large field. Rebekah could hear them howling in a distance but she couldn't see them. It was too big of a risk to flee, it the orcs spotted them the company would be surrounded within seconds.

Gandalf carefully peeked his head out and saw Radagast leading the orks further away from them.

"Come along" Gandalf said and everybody started running. Rebekah was running behind Bilbo to make sure he stayed with the group. She wanted to keep a close eye on him if anything would happen. They continued running and Thorin had managed to pass Gandalf so he was now in the lead.

All of a sudden Thorin spotted Radagast running in front of them with the orc pack right behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks and watched as the pack of orcs passed them.

"Stay together" Gandalf said.

"Move!" Thorin yelled and they all continued running. He glanced over at Rebekah and saw her eyes glued on Bilbo.

"Are you okay Bilbo?" Rebekah asked. She noticed that he was getting out of breath and had a hard time running.

"I'm fine" he answered in his loud and heavy breath. They all ran a little bit farther before taking cover behind another large rock as the orc pack passed them once again.

Suddenly Rebekah heard something approaching them from the top of the rock. The heavy breath and low growling made it clear to Rebekah, it was a warg. The big beast started sniffing loudly to catch their scent. She leaned against the rock and took a deep breath before running out in front of the rock so she was now sight of the warg.

"Rebekah!" Thorin yelled as his eyes widened.

The warg lunged itself at her with its jaw wide open revealing its sharp and deadly teeth. Rebekah quickly took out her throwing knife from the holster on her calf and aimed it at the warg. The knife in bedded itself in the wargs small eye, killing it instantly.

She then realized that there was an orc on it's back. The orc quickly stood up and started running towards Rebekah with his long weapon in his hand. Suddenly Dwalin ran towards the orc and hit it with his large and heavy axe. The orc screamed in pain as it was being killed.

The loud noice of the orcs crying screams caught the attention of the rest of the pack. The orcs quickly turned around and started running towards the company.

Suddenly they all heard howling sounds in a distance getting louder and louder the closer they got. Rebekah got shivers down her spine when she realized the orcs knew where they were hiding.

"Go, run!" Gandalf yelled and everybody started running as fast as they could to escape the orcs deadly weapons. They ran into a shallow forest to try to hide and find cover but the pack caught up with them.

"There they are!" Gloin yelled and pointed at the orcs.

The orcs rode closer and closer in a small rank of a half circle, surrounding the company. The dwarfs slowly started taking steps backwards until they approached a rock. Rebekah glanced over at Bilbo and saw him standing all alone with a weak grip around the handle of his sword, she quickly made her way over to him ready to protect Bilbo with her life.

"There's more coming!" Kili yelled and took out his bow.

"Rebekah, Kili shoot them" Thorin yelled.

Rebekah grabbed her bow from behind her back bow and started aiming at the growling wargs. Rebekah aimed and let the arrow fly, the sharp feathers gently cut the soft top layer of her skin. The arrow and hit the orc in the middle of its eyebrows and the orcs dead body fell onto the ground. She quickly took out another arrow and continued shooting.

"We're surrounded!" Fili screamed. Rebekah looked around and noticed more orcs appearing in the shallow forest.

She glanced back at Thorin and saw a warg running straight for him, Thorin was too distracted to notice the large warg.

"Thorin!" Rebekah yelled quickly aimed and shot the warg. The warg then fell and landed right in front of Thorin who looked stunned. He looked at Rebekah and gently nodded his head thanking her.

"Where is Gandalf" Dori suddenly yelled. Rebekah lowered her bow and started looking around for the gray wizard but he was nowhere to be found.

"He's abandoned us" Dwalin yelled in anger and made his was closer to the rock behind them.

"Hold your ground" Thorin yelled and drew his sword letting the sun shine on his blade.

"This way you fools" A voice suddenly yelled from behind the rock. Rebekah turned her head back and saw Gandalf. The orcs suddenly turned their attention to Gandalf and they all started running towards them.

"Bilbo run" Rebekah yelled and started shooting the orcs that came too close.

One after an another the dwarfs started jumping down the hole under the large rock. Now it was only Thorin, Kili and Rebekah left fighting off their enemies.

Kili shot his last arrow and started running towards the hole and jumped down. Thorin was about to do the same but he turned around one last time and noticed Rebekah was still shooting her arrows at the raging orcs.

"Rebekah run!" Thorin yelled. Rebekah turned around and saw that she was the only one left. She turned around and started running but she suddenly tripped on small tree root and fell face down on the ground. The wargs noticed and the closest one started running towards her with its jaw wide open ready to grab a hold of her.

"No!" Thorin yelled and started running with his sword held high into the air.

Rebekah turned to her back and saw the large beast running towards her. She quickly reached for her throwing knife and threw it hitting the warg on its shoulder. The knife didn't stop the warg and he was just about to bite Rebekah when Thorin suddenly appeared and saved her in the last second. He swong his sword cutting the wargs throat. He then took Rebekah's arm and helped her up. They both started running to the hole under the large rock. Rebekah jumped in first with Thorin right behind her.

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