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~ let's be a couple? ~• Jeon Jungkook •Chapter 12————————————————————————

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~ let's be a couple? ~
• Jeon Jungkook •
Chapter 12

I stretched my hand to feel beside me. I lifted my head and opened my eyes, revealing an empty bed. I quickly threw on my clothes, forgetting my bra somewhere around the room.

"Jungkook?" I creeped out the room and down the stairs, past piles of trash and red solo cups. People lifeless bodies were in random places as they slept."He left me" I said in disbelief as I pushed back my hair.

I walked back to my apartment with my head down and millions of thoughts running in my head. Did he regret what happened? What if he just wanted sex with me but can I really be mad when I'm the one who came onto him?

I finally reached the door way of my apartment. I opened the door to see the girls dressed in sun dresses while Jennie cleaned the kitchen and Yuna cleaned the living room.

"Look who's finally home" Jennie shouted so the people in the street could hear "You and Jungkook make up?"

"Sure" I made way to my room, changed into a hoodie, put my hair up and wiped off the smeared makeup. After an hour of laying in my bed I made my way to the kitchen.

Jennie and Yuna sat on the couch, on opposite side with their phones glued to their hands. Just as I was about to reenter the comforts of my room, Jennie threw a throw pillow towards me.

"You" They both were now looking at me "Sit"

I sat beside them, sinking into my hoodie, wishing to be anywhere but inbetween the two people who can pry any information they wanted out of me.

"I know something is wrong when my girl shuts herself in her room after a party" Jennie started the conversation. "What did jungkook do now? I thought you made up!"

"Nothing happened. There's nothing to-"

"Shut the hell up and STOP letting him get away you dumbass" Yuna blurted "Stop waiting for him to say how he feels cause you both are way to  use to people chasing you." She rolls her eyes  "instead go tell him how you feel"

This was a side of Luna me nor Jennie has seen. I almost wanted to laugh but then her words sunk in and without thinking anymore, I rushed out the apartment and ran over to Jungkooks place. The cold wind hitting my bare legs, my breathing getting more and more heavier.

Without even realizing it we change because of each other. All we did we rely on each other, constantly with each other or texting. Once we seprated we both isolated ourselves in fear of seeing each other. We ditched class, ditches parties, we ditched everything.

There was only one thing on my mind, I'm not leaving without him. Not unless we are together.

I knocked on his apartment door, my hand clenched to my side as I attempted to catch my breath "I really should get in shape"

Jimin opened the door "Y/n?" he said as he rubbing a towel on his wet hair "Jungkook isn't here right now"

He turned to let me walk in. I pushed back a few strands of my hair, finally able to breath clearly "Do you know when he will be back?"

"No, he said he was meeting with a friend." Jimin sat beside Eunwoo on the couch "You can wait here though."

I joined them on the couch. They both were laughing at some stupid animal show. An hour passed, my eyes keep going to the door anytime I heard a sound but the door wouldn't open.

"Jimin can you tell him I stopped by?" He began to stand up "Make sure he calls me the second he is-" The apartment filled with male and female laughter as Jungkook walked in the front door and he wasn't alone.

A girl about my height, smiling ear to ear, wearing a red dress, her hair perfect, her legs shining, her make up glowing with no sunlight.

"Y/n?" Jungkooks smile disappeared. "What are you doing here?" He basically pushed the girl away

"Um, Sorry" I panicked. "I was just.... asking Jimin for some notes"  I gave a weak smile before rushing passt him, closing the door behind me.

My timing really couldn't have been worse.


| Jeon Jungkook |

"Why was Y/n here?" I asked Jimin as me and Yujin took a seat on the couch.

Jimin glanced at the guys then back at me "You're fucking stupid Jungkook."

My eyes widened "W-What'd I do?"

"She was here for an hour to finally confess her feeling for you and you walk in with another girl!" This was the most frustrated I think i've seen jimin "Come on Jungkook! You definitely just fucked your chances of ever being with her"

Yujin looked at me innocently "Should I go?" I didn't even answer, she left anyways.

I sat on the couch, running my hand through my hair "What do i do?"

"Beg for forgiveness and hopes she's nice enough" Eunwoo shrugged his shoulders

I let out a tiny cry "FUCK" I shouted as I grabbed my keys from the counter and walked out the apartment.

My only thought was go to Y/n, but she never left. She was sitting outside my apartment building on the steps with her head in her lap, mumbling words to herself.


| Y/n |

"How downbad could you be Y/n" I mumbled into my arms "You're sitting on the steps of a boy that is problaly inside with his dick-"

"I love you" A voice interruped my words.

Not any voice. Jungkook's voice. I slowly lifted my head to look at him. His eyes glowed like stars. His cheeks red from the cold weather.

Even though it was clear Jungkook was cold, he took off his jacket and placed it over my bare legs. "I'm sorry"

"What are you possibly sorry about?" I put my head down.

I should be the one apologizing. Everything that happened has been my fault but yet he's the one feeling guity.

"I love you Y/n." His hand warmed my cheek "I should never have allowed you to-"

My lips warmed his. Whatever he had left to say was pointless. Jungkook has nothing to say sorry for, beside maybe being with that girl.

A smile beamed on both our faces as we broke apart " you shouldn't have listened when I said to leave me alone"

"You looked really mad, I was scared you would murder me" he laughed

And just like that, me and Jungkook became official. We crumbled for each other. We both knew this was gonna be something dangerous when it started but little did we know it would lead to this.

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