Chapter 54- Cute Moments

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(Some cute moments building up to the event of the year, people!)


McKenzie was writing something on her arm with a black sharpie to remind her to go to the store later that day, after the large fight they had with Tinkerer. She had bandaged her shoulder and her abdomen, being injured from the fight.

"Make sure to buy...shit what was it that I needed?" she muttered to herself.

"Maybe me for starters," she heard a familiar voice from behind her, and she turned around in surprise to see Amadeus standing there in the doorway with his arms crossed. He smirked, seeing her expression. "And that expression is telling me you did miss me,"

McKenzie scoffed. "Oh please, it was just because people don't normally pop up in your doorway when you're home alone,"

"Nah it was because you missed me"

"What the hell are you here for?"

Amadeus laughed. "I was here to say a final goodbye and a thanks. Not everyone is willing to help a stranger from another universe,"

"You can say that again," McKenzie rolled her eyes playfully, standing up and walking in front of him, crossing her arms. "And you're welcome. If you're gonna brood then don't do it in my doorway," McKenzie said as she pulled him inside as she closed the door, and then leaned her back against the door.

Amadeus chuckled, looking at the floor, then at her. She looked at him back, and she tilted her head, curious as to what he was doing. "Like what you see, Cho?"

"Actually yeah, waay too much," he chuckled as his cheeks tinted pink. McKenzie's jaw slightly hung open, not expecting that answer. Her cheeks turned a bright pink as well.

"Sorry, sorry, that was uncalled for, umm...I'll uh see you around, Ken," he said as he turned around, pushing buttons on his hopper, and then his arm suddenly got pulled towards him to the door. McKenzie grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt.

"I'm pretty sure that there was one more thing you forgot to mention," she said with a smirk.

Amadeus was surprised, but he looked into her blue eyes curiously. "And what's that-"



"Shut up and kiss me already," she said with a roll of her eyes, and Amadeus laughed, happily leaning down and pressing his lips against McKenzie's. She smiled, pressing her lips against his.


Gwen was on the couch, asleep, with in front of her was a bowl of popcorn and two empty glasses of wine. She had been waiting for Miles to get home, when he said it was 8:00, but it was now 10 PM, and she had gotten tired of waiting. She was curled into a ball asleep.

The door suddenly opened, a tired Miles coming through the door, locking it after he had shut it. He immediately set his bag down and rushed over to the stairs, walking up them.

"Gwen? You up here?" he said as he walked around upstairs, not disturbing Gwen in her sleep.

"Gwen?" he asked more panicked as he rushed down the stairs and walked past the couch, looking in the kitchen. "Shit! Where is she?!" he asked, panicked, walking right over by the couch and sitting in the loveseat. "I should have never took that shift, she must be so up- set...." Miles then saw Gwen asleep on the couch, the bowl of popcorn and the two empty glasses that had wine in it. His gaze softened as he lovingly looked at Gwen. He got up, walking over to her and kissing her forehead.

"I'm so sorry I missed movie night," he whispered as he curled her up into his arms. He patiently and carefully walked towards the stairs, climbing up and then walking into their bedroom, tucking her in bed.

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