Chapter 31- Old and New Pt. 2

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(Earth-12041, Amadeus's/Iron Spider's universe)

Amadeus's POV: 

My heartbeat must have gone past its beating limit as my lungs burned from my legs using all their willpower to run. It felt like my legs were on fire from the hot air of the summer in my universe.

I was running as fast as I could, the Iron Spider suit in my hand and Peter chasing me for it.

"Amadeus, bring that back! I need it!" Peter growled as he kept chasing me. 

"Have to catch me first, Petey!" I say as I try to devise a plan in this brain of mine.

Come on, Am, you're the seventh smartest person on Earth, you have to use your brain to figure this out.

I look around for any items to slow down Peter, and as I do I run into a janitor and knock over him along with his cleaning supplies. As I knocked down the supplies, some cleaning solution knocked on my hopper that I was wearing, but it wasn't soaked. 

I look over at the Iron Spider suit still sitting in my tightly gripped hand, and then Peter caught up, his brown hair messy and his school uniform sweaty from chasing me.

Peter laughed as he saw me on the floor with the janitor and still holding the Iron Spider suit.

"Looks like I caught you, didn't I?" Peter says in his UK accent and bends down, right next to my face. I could smell his nasty-smelling breath from whatever he had for breakfast. He holds his hand out for the suit, expecting me to hand it to him.

I then smirk and I hold up the web-shooters embedded into the Iron Spider suit and I kicked Peter in the abdomen, causing him from the force to fall against the wall and I used the web-shooters to web him to the wall.

"Still smarter than you, Peter, and you never will be," I smirk as I stand up regardless of my wet clothes and I help the janitor up.

"I hate you, Amadeus Cho!" Peter yelled as he struggled to get out of the web trap.

"Yeah, I know Peter," I say as I then go around the janitor and run with the suit still in hand. After I get away from Peter, I hold up the suit in triumph. I use my key to open the door to my dorm and then I close it behind me. 

I take a deep breath, tired from running and then I slip out of my wet clothes and I slip into the Iron Spider suit.

Quite comfortable. Thanks for "handing" it to me, Peter.

I look at my hands inside the suit and it looked cool. Seeing through the mask was awesome, and I could see everything in sharp vision.

Since the suit was half-made of special-made fabric and the other half was tech, it was kind of like Iron Man's suit and Spider-Man's suit in one. 

I looked at my hopper and saw that it looked fine even after I spilled stuff on it. I decided I wanted to go to the Earth of the Avengers just to mess around, so I entered the coordinates for it and I pressed the button on my hopper. 

I closed my eyes, expecting something to happen, and nothing.


I pressed the button again and then nothing happened again. I then pressed it multiple times and then I was sucked into a portal and then ended up falling on my ass.

I looked around me and saw...

Tomatoes? and Cucumbers? 

What the fuck?

I looked around and saw I had landed in a garden of some sort. I stood up and looked around in confusion because I'm pretty sure the last time I checked,  my school doesn't grow a garden.

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