Chapter 48- My Weird Significant Other

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Third POV:

Miles was now alone, after alternate Gwen had talked to him, and all he could think about was his Gwen, the one he had and he missed dearly.

Miles's POV: (this is a flashback)

I was working on an assignment for homework, something for math. and I dropped my pencil out of boredom. I picked my pencil up and I finished off an equation I was working on. My god, this is boring. I wonder what Gwen is doing.

Wooow when I'm thinking of math my thoughts go immediately to my girlfriend. Nice. I snorted at my thoughts and then I wondered what Gwen was doing again. I glanced at my homework in temptation. Three problems left, I had until tomorrow, it was 5 PM, I mean, couldn't kill anybody to check on Gwen and take a break. I got up and I put my pencil down. My room was in a state where it was one shirt away from clean, and yet it was like everything was all over the place. 

I walked to my door and opened it, and it creaked a little. I walked out of my room and walked next door, where Gwen usually slept. Sometimes she came over to my room and we'd snuggle and fall asleep watching a movie or something. I smiled at the memories. I peeked my head through the door when I opened it and I didn't see her in her room.

"Gwen?" I opened the door fully and she wasn't in there. She had the bathroom door in her room open so she was possibly downstairs. I walked out of her room and I walked down the staircase and then I walked into the living room to see Gwen asleep on the couch. She was hugging a pillow and curling up her knees to her chest. 

I smiled seeing her sleep. She looked so cute. I kept looking at her until I saw that one of her sharp bluebell eyes was staring back at me. She smirked and I could feel my ears burn.

Shit, she caught me staring.

"I know I'm gorgeous but no need to stare Miles. Never letting that go by the way," She said, stretching her arms as she got up and set the pillow back. I tried to come back up with a flirt that would be successful and not sleep on the couch even though I had a room to myself. Sometimes. 

"When are you not gorgeous?" I said, coming back up with a horrible flirt and winking to make it worse. That was going to come back to haunt me, but she laughed, out of my surprise. She came over to me and she wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"Lay down with me or I'll make you," She said, looking up at me by placing her chin on my chest. I had the advantage of being taller and stronger than she was well sometimes, but she could beat me in hand to hand if we ever sparred. I smirked down at Gwen as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hm well, you have to make dinner for me, or you won't be able to walk tomorrow," I said, and she turned beet red when I said that. She hit me in the chest and I laughed as she made her way back to the couch.  I gave in and sat next to her, and I rested my head in her lap, crossing my feet on the other side of the couch. She ran her fingers in my hair as she chuckled.

"You're such a baby," Gwen said as she continued.

"I know," I smirked. She leaned over and she kisses me quickly. 

"I love you, you overgrown child," Gwen said as she leaned back on the couch looking at me and I grinned.

"Love you too, Gwanda,"

(End of flashback)

Third POV:

He knew he had to do something to avenge her while she was in a coma.

And he now had a plan.

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