Chapter 30- Old and New Pt. 1

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(Meanwhile... on Earth-8026, McKenzie's universe)

(This is set before Gwen got in a coma. Yes she's in a coma for those who don't know)

McKenzie's POV:

I walked through the portal that I opened, leading me to my "peaceful" universe. I looked around and saw some fights going on with some cats over food and pieces of clothing for some substitute of a blanket. 

This city will never get old. 

I decided to stop thinking to myself and I put my earbuds on which immediately scanned me and placed my suit on my body. Even though everything was shitty in some places, there was a lot of advanced tech laying aroud

I jumped off the rooftop I was sitting on and I started to swing towards my house. Everything was different around the house after my Dad died and after I gained my powers. As I was swinging over an alleyway, I saw some people of a gang of some sort cornering an old woman. 

This again? 

I stop swinging towards my house and I go towards the gang and land in front of the old woman. I looked behind me and the old woman was trembling, she was clutching her purse in her hands as if her life depended on it.

"Hey! We're in the middle of something here if you don't mind!" A muscular guy with multiple tattoos on his arm walked up to me and had a red scarf covering his mouth.

Since I don't like to talk to people nor trust people in my regular voice as Wolf Spider, I use my telekinetic powers instead to talk. Plus, it makes people scared of what I can do sometimes, and it's fun to watch people tremble.

And? I think to the guy and he hears me so he starts to look around as if I was a floating ghost.

"Let us finish our job-" I cut the other guy off by speeding around him, kicking him in the face repeatedly. The other guys came up to me and started to attack so I started to fight.

After a while, I was getting tired and I was getting constant texts from my mom about where I was. 

All right, that's enough fun.

I turn back to the lady who wasn't trembling anymore and she was still clutching her purse.

You might want to cover your eyes for this part Ma'am. I think to her and she slowly raises her arms to cover her eyes and then she fully covers her eyes.

I reach my hands behind my head and then I start to untie the back to my eyepatch. Once I get it loose, I then take my eyepatch off and look them in the eye. Once they do, all of them then fall unconscious and fall.

You can uncover your eyes now Ma'am, I say to her and she smiles and cheers when she sees all the guys down.

"Thank you, Thank you so much!" The woman then comes up to me and unexpectedly hugs me. I froze because a citizen never did that before, but it wasn't a first.

You're welcome. Have a good day. I say to her. I salute and then I swing off back on the path towards my house.

Once I got by the house I got back into my regular clothes with one single click of my earbuds, and then I jiggled my key into the door to open it.

"McKenzie, is that you?" I heard my Mom's voice coming from upstairs.

"Yeah, Mom," I said as I set my bag down and I adjusted my eyepatch.

My Mom came downstairs and she smiles when she saw me. My mother had a sort of country accent, and she was just wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

"How was your day? You went to meet up with Gwen again?" Mom said as she took my coat and threw it into the hamper she was carrying.

"Yeah, I did. Turns out she has a boyfriend," I smirk as I go towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"Boyfriend? She's not the kind of girl I know to have a boyfriend," Mom said as she passed the kitchen to get to the laundry room.

"I know, turns out he's a dude she likes a lot since he ri-" I pause as I realize I was about to reveal their identities.

"Since he what?" My Mom started to throw clothes into the washer as I got a bottle of water, opened it, and drank some of it.

"Erm, nothing," I say as I close the refrigerator and I plop myself onto the couch.

"Okay?" My Mom sounded uncertain as she then started the laundry and she comes into the kitchen.

"Nick, your sister is back!" Mom shouts as she starts to take some things out from the pantry.

After a few seconds, there was a pattern of footsteps coming down the stairs and then I saw Nick with a Spider-Man costume on and running towards me.

Nick then jumped on me screaming: "Ki! Ki! You're back! Look, I found a costume in your closet next to these!" He holds up one of my sports bras and I blush, taking it away from him.

"Nick, you know not to go in your older sister's things, it's an invasion of privacy." Mom said as she started to chop some veggies.

"I know Mom, but I wanted to see if she had a costume, and she did!" Nick jumps off the couch and then he makes some action noises as he pretends to be Spider-Man in his costume.

I can't help but laugh at his antics, and then I go upstairs to put my things away. Once I did, I decided to open my window and take a deep breath of air when a breeze blew by. It blew my hair back, and it felt awesome. When I looked down at the floor, the garden that Mom decided to grow, I felt my sense go off, and then a portal opens and a guy stumbles out.

He looked like a Spider because his whole suit was a red and gold color. He weirdly had something that looked like iron arms sticking out the back of his suit, and the guy looks around like he was lost or something. 

 What the hell?

I close my window and I rush downstairs.

"Ken, where are you going?" Mom asked as I pulled on some shoes.

"Um, I just wanted to take a look at the tomatoes and other things you were growing," I lie.

"Alright, just be careful and don't step on anything," Mom said as I threw the door open and I walked around the house towards the guy.

"Hey!" I say and the guy turns around. He seemed a lot taller than I thought he would when I looked up at him.

I dodged his metal spider arms when he turns around, and one of the eyes of his mask squinted as if he was raising an eyebrow meaning he was listening.

"Who are you and what are you?" I demand as the guy's eyes of his suit widen back to normal size.

"Are these intimidating to you right now?" The guy says as he points to the suit.

Is this guy for freaking real right now? I just asked him a question and he asks if something is intimidating.

"Answer my question first, dude," I say as I notice he has a hopper on like I do.

"Well, I'm a human like you are." He says as he retracts the legs of his suit inside his suit.

"Doesn't look like it. You just stumbled through a portal looking like a rip-off of Spider-Man." I look at him with an unamused look on my face.

"Look kid, I'm not a rip off of Spider-Man-"

"And I'm not a kid." I cut him off. This guy was just easily a person to piss you off if you asked him a simple question.

"Okay, all I did came through a portal because this wasn't working." The guy said. His voice was a light tone and his voice was a little muffled by the mask.

"Well, you could have gotten it fixed before you teleported here," I say as I cross my arms still looking unamused.

"Look, the name is Iron Spider, and all I need is some simple help with my hopper and to get out of here." Iron Spider says as he gets a bit frustrated.

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