Chapter 45 - Get Along Children

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McKenzie's POV:

"When are you going to be done with that hopper of yours?"

"Ask me that one more time and I'll throw it in your face," I say, trying to gather concentration and building the dimension hopper Amadeus is trying to rush me with. I try connecting some severed wires that were broken from the falling and splashing water all over it thing and I shocked my hand. 

"Ow!" I slip my finger in my mouth trying to numb the pain.

"Is it done?" He eagerly asked and looked over at it. I slapped him in the back of the neck, completely pissed off. 

"Does it look like I'm done, smart ass?!"

"I was just asking! I'm trying to get home!" Amadeus exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. Thank God my mom and brother were out at the store right now otherwise I would have been in a grave by now. Keeping a boy in my room is kinda not what I do.

"Not my fault you did something stupid." I stick my tongue out at him, trying not to curse the guy out.

"Oh fuck you!" 

"Well, at least I'm trying to fix your hopper YOU broke!" I and Amadeus continue arguing, and then I throw my water bottle at him, ignoring him as I continue to work.

"Can I say I'm sorry-"

"If you don't shut the fuck up I will sew your lips shut in your sleep," I grumble, and he definitely doesn't say a word after that.

✅ When 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕤 Fly (𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝟚)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora