Chapter 44- My Myself and I... And Him.

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McKenzie's POV:

Is it weird that a guy is living in my closet?

Well no shit, he's a stranger you don't know at all.


I laid there on my bed just rambling on in my head about Amadeus staying in my closet. I couldn't sleep because it was kind of creepy knowing the fact someone you don't really trust lives in your house.

I did set some ground rules before we went to sleep, but I have a grand old feeling he's going to eventually break one. 

Also, I couldn't sleep with his loud-ass snoring. I was ignoring the urge to press a pillow against his face to shut him up.

I pressed my pillow against my face and groaned into it. I just couldn't sleep.

This was going to be a different time, and I'm not going to like it.

At all.

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