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I opened my eyes to a white serene environment making me frown. I hated hospitals, the last time I was here, was when I had to visit my Mommy and the place seem to make me very uncomfortable.

"Nini." Someone said making me look to the side.


"What happened?" I asked, suddenly noticing other members of the family, also with Sydney, Ethan and Bryan. They were all standing with worried looks on their face.

"You suddenly fainted, your Dad informed us, so we all came." He answered.

"Gosh, Daddy." I groan. "I only fainted, it's not that big of a deal enough for you to inform the whole family.

"I only informed Arlo and his parents Okay?" My Daddy defended. "They were the ones who brought along company."

"I almost had an heart attack when I heard about it baby." Sydney whined coming to hug me.  

Just at that moment, the doctor came in and what made me scared were the test results in her hand and with the way she looked at me, I knew she had found out.

"How are you feeling now Niana?" The doctor asked.

"I'm fine, thank you doctor." I replied with a forced smile. She checked my eyes and then my pulse before looking down at the result.

"She was under alot of stress that was why she fainted." The doctor said making Hailey glare at her son.

"It's all your fault Arlo, if only you don't pick up fights with her."

"Relax mom, let the doctor finish talking." Quinn said making Hailey huff.

"Let's get home first, I'm going to teach you a lesson." Petè rubbed her back to calm her down.

"And Stress is not good for the baby--"

"Baby?" They all chorused.


"Wait doctor, what are you trying to say?" My Daddy asked.

"Niana is three weeks pregnant." The doctor smiled looking from me to Arlo.

Of course the doctor would see it as a good thing, seeing as I'm a married woman and it's been a year since Arlo and I got married so I think she assumed we've been waiting for a child.

"Come with me Richardson." My Daddy said sternly to Arlo making him gulp.

"You went from hot soup to dipshit." Quinn laughed making us glare at her. "What? He's going to have his head off with the way Niana's Dad is boiling."

"You can shut up now." He mom snapped.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt." Quinn squealed after sticking her tongue at her mom.

"Did you know about this Niana? Was that why you were acting strange this afternoon?" Miss Anita asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have figured a way out." She glared.

"I didn't know how to put it." I groan.

"She's shy." Sydney chuckled.

"Finally Arlo made me proud." Ethan spoke up.

"Just shut up Okay." Sydney glared at him. "He's in trouble right now and all you care about is your stupid ego."

"It's not easy for a guy to become a father at nineteen, trust me." He chuckled making me hit him with my pillow.

"Let's celebrate when you get home tomorrow." Hailey squealed as she dragged her husband out of the room.

"Bye Niana." Quinn waved as she followed her parents out.

"We'll be leaving too." Ethan said.

"The way the both of you come and leave at the same time, it makes me suspect you guys are living together." I narrow my eyes at them.

"Well, We plan on buying an apartment and living together when we go off to college but for now sydney spends most of the nights at my place so..." He trailed off rubbing his neck.

"Do you want us to explain our sex life to you too?" Sydney questioned making me scrunch up my face.

"Eww, get lost." I chuckled as she wiggled her ass in front of me.

"Let's go Syd." Ethan smiled before giving me a wave.

"Yeah Sure, bye honey. I'll call you when I get home." She say kissing my cheek before following Ethan out.

"I'll go look for your father." Miss Anita announced before taking her leave too.

I was left alone in the room as I stared at the ceiling, I wonder what my Daddy wants to tell Arlo. My Daddy isn't someone to get angry easily but when he does, I tend to stay off because nobody, I mean nobody can handle him.

Except maybe Miss Anita perhaps.

Just then the door pushed open and Arlo walked in quietly with a small smile on his face making me even more curious.

"What did he say?" I immediately asked.

"Nothing much, just some good advise that I would be needing in the future."

"Good advise you'll be needing in the future?" I frown.

"Yeah." He chuckled coming to sit on the bed with me. "It's fine actually, forget about it."

"Isn't he disappointed in me?" I ask folding my lips into thin line as I tried to swallow the urge to cry.

"Why would he? He loves you alot."

"I mean, I didn't meet up to his expectation." I say as a sob escaped my lips. "I can't even go to college now."

"Relax Nini, we are going to work this out together and it's a baby-- our baby, we should be happy." He smiled patting my head.

"I know right, I can't believe I have another life in me." I smile holding his hands as he kissed my knuckles. "A part of you is growing in me."

"I love you alot Niana, even if we are young and we've faced many problems, I will never leave you." He say kissing my forehead.

"Not even for Riele?"

"Riele isn't worth leaving my child for and No girl will ever be worth it."

"So you are saying if I wasn't expecting a child, you would have left me?" I ask in shock.

"Urrghh, not you twisting my words again." He groaned.

"What? I just spoke the truth." I shrug throwing my hand up in the air. "But I still love you nonetheless.

"I love you too baby mama." He said making me push him off my bed.

VEILED ✅ (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora