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-- ARLO'S POV --

"I'm so tired." Niana yawned as I placed her on the couch.

She was drunk off her ass and I still don't know how that happened. Niana is someone I know that can tolerate wine alcohol, Vodka was a no go area but at least she could resist wine.

I quickly opened the fridge, grabbing cold water, I collected some Aspirin from the cabinet where we kept common needed drugs.

"Take water and some medicine." I said giving it to her.

She collected it from me and drank it up. She rest her head on the head rest and for a moment I thought she had slept off until she opened her eyes again and walked to our bedroom, I stood at her back guarding her step all the way, glad that she took off her heels in the car.


"Yes." I replied as I turned to lock the door.

"Let's have a child." She said making me choke on my spit.


"I wanna have a baby." She slurred while struggling to zip down her dress.

"What are you even talking about Nini? We are still in school." I told her helping her sit.

"But I wanna have one." She cried hitting her Palm on the bed.

"Alright, if you want one badly, let's wait till after graduation, yeah?"

"But I want one now, I'm married for heaven's sake." She cried.

"You are drunk Nini." I said but she wouldn't hear as she suddenly kissed me.

I was going to decline but I just couldn't resist her. I gently sat in the bed with she straddling me as her dress rode up. I slipped my hands round her waist to pull closer but then she starts to unbutton my dress shirt.

"What are you doing? Stop it."

"Why Arlo? Why am I the only one who isn't allowed to touch you." She said as a tears slipped.

"Babe, please stop crying, you are hurting my feelings by doing so."

"I want to be able to feel you close to me Arlo, but you seem so far away." She sobbed.

"I don't get." I said as confusion washed over me.

Where was she heading to?

"Do you know what Riele told me in the bathroom today?"

"What did she say?"

"She said the reason why you wouldn't make love to me is because the both of you made a promise to each other."

"That's not true." I try to touch her but she shifted.

"You promised her you would never get intimate with another woman after you guys had sex." She said and I knew she believed those words with the way she was sobbing hard.

"What? She's lying."

Why would Riele fill her head with such stupid thoughts? We never had sex, I believed in sex after marriage, at least my mom taught me so. I wanted to give my wife my body and soul, not some random girl that you get with because of infatuation.

"Why would she lie about that kind of thing?" Niana yelled climbing down from my body.

"Nini, you have to listen to me." I tried to hold her but she just pushed me and in the process she fell down and hit her head on the edge of the bed frame.

"Fuck you." She yelled after finally looking up and my heart broke when I saw that a bruise has started to form.

She ran out of the room and before I could run after her, she was already out the front door, she's just on her dress with no shoes nor a phone on her.

I knew she didn't want to talk to me so if I have to resolve this, I have to start from the cause of this whole drama.


My whole body boiled with anger when I imagined how my own friend could do this to me. I got to her door and knocked twice before the door opened and a smiling Riele came to view.

I pushed past her and went inside, I was furious at the moment and lost my manners. Running my hand through my hair, I gave out a sigh before Turning to her.

"What did you say to Niana?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." She chuckled.

"I'll ask you again-- what did you say to Niana?"

"Oh, I was just pulling her legs--"

"Pulling her legs?" I yelled cutting her off. "Do you realise the consequence of your actions?"

"I somehow don't regret doing it, because she took you away from me." She replied as tears sprung to her eyes.

"Riele, I love my wife and--"

"Really? Did you love her when you told her you liked her bestfriend?"

"I don't see how that concerns you so please stop it." I told her raising my hands to plead with her.

"Arlo, I've loved you for years, I even came to California just for You, can't you see it?"

"I'm married now Riele, so please move on."

"I won't."

"Whatever, my last warning to You-- stay away from my wife." I said and with one last glare at her, I left.

I went back to my apartment to grab my car key so i can go look for Niana but to my surprise, Niana was sitting on the couch with her head down. Her head pecked up when she heard my footsteps and rushed to hug me.

I pressed her tightly to myself because I was with the most beautiful girl in the world and even though boys at our school fail to notice her because of her bestfriend, I'm glad that I wouldn't be beating up someone's son for hitting on her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for believing her when I know she was trying to get to me. I should have trusted you, even when I know the reason we haven't made love is because you are waiting for me" She blushed saying the last part.

"It's Fine, but how do you know she was lying?" I questioned as I looked at her in confusion.

"Ethan told me."

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