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This is the height of it.

This is the extreme height of it. Riele has done her worst, like how dare she sit with my husband at the front? I get that I sat at the back willingly but can't she sit at the back with me.

I got to the venue and I saw Arlo from afar standing at the door. I got down from my car and walked as fast as I could with the crowd so he wouldn't see me.

My legs were killing me from the heels I wore but I still carried on just so i wouldn't have to talk to him but I guess he's eyes were faster.

"Nini." He called out as I fastened my pace.

Just then someone grabbed my hands and I didn't need someone to tell me it was him. He dragged me to the corner of the hall caging me in between the wall with my back against the hall.

"Arlo, your Dad is waiting for us." I groaned trying to go under his arm but he blocked me.

"I hate this." He said and I could just picture his glare. "I hate it when you give me cold shoulders."

"I'm just not in the mood to talk."

"Really? So why didn't you take a rude with us?"

"I'm not answering that and can you not talk to me? I don't want to talk to you." I smiled sweetly before removing his hand and tried to walk away but he held me back.

"I'm Sorry, If you think Riele is not good for me then I'll stay away from her."

"Can you not make me look like a bad person? I just don't like the way she brings up happy memories of you both and coupled with how you rejected me back the--"

My words were cut short by his lips. I'm going to warn him after this, he should wait for me to finish talking before kissing me. Is it that me words are irrelevant?

"Don't ever bring up the rejection topic again, I was a fool back then." He said after pulling away.

"And don't ever kiss me mid-words or I'll hit you."

"Really? How?" He said pulling me close as he wrapped his hands round my waist.

"Try it again and see--"

He cut my words with another kiss and I immediately push him off as we went into a fit of laughter before someone cleared their throat and it was none other than mogana herself.

"Sorry for the interruption but the event is about to start." Riele said looking at my face like she was searching for something.

"Oh let's go." Arlo took my hand but paused. "Nini, I think your lipstick is smeared."

"Oh my gosh, Arlo!" I squeaked giving him a slap on the arm. "It's all your fault."

"I'm sorry love, didn't you bring a lipstick along?"

"What do I need a lipstick for? I don't even like makeup much." I groaned.

"I have one with me, that matches your shade." Riele spoke up and I was about to thank her before she continued. "Arlo liked this shade of lipstick alot so I  always used it and also took it along whenever it got smeared by him, it's always so hilarious."

If looks could kill, Riele would be six feet down. But if continued to pay attention to her, she might succeed in taking Arlo from me. I took out my phone and used the mirror to arrange my lipstick.

"Really? I think I will have to get it too, since he does it so frequently." I smiled as I intertwined I and Arlo's hands before dragging him along with me.

"Thank you." Arlo said immediately we got inside.

"For what?"

"You didn't let her get to you."

"She's not worth my attention, but did you really kiss her that much?"

"It definitely got to you." He smirked.

"You kissed her all the time?"

"You were my first kiss Nini, what does it matter who I kiss after then?"

"First kiss that you made me feel bad about?"

"Geez, I told you never to bring up our past again." He groaned throwing his head back.

"Okay, whatever." I said throwing my hands up.

"There's my favourite people." I heard Quinn say as I turned to hug her.

"Hello sweetie, how are you?" I smiled kissing her cheek.

"I'm doing good, Arlo?" She said punching his arm lightly.

"Hey Sisto, I see you have a new follower?" Arlo said making her blush.

"That guy stalked me in all my social media account." Quinn groaned.

"Really? I could say the same for you because you practically did the same." Arlo laughed making Quinn punch him harder.

"Okay, I'm lost."

"It's about Bryan." She said shyly.

"Me. You. After party. Details." I said sternly making her groan but nodded nonetheless.

"Niana." Hailey squealed rushing to hug me. "Hey son."

"Mom." Arlo acknowledged her by kissing her cheek.

"I've missed you guys." She chuckled. "So how is my grandchild doing?"

"Mom!" Arlo squeaked before looking at me to see my reaction. "There's nothing as such."

The truth is that, even though Arlo and I have grown to like or even love each other, we still haven't been together intimately, I was still a virgin and he was-- I don't know but we just haven't done it for an unknown reason.

Or maybe I just wasn't ready and he was waiting for my permission first.

"There's no way I'm going to stand here and listen to my brother's sex life." Quinn said with a disgusted look on her face. "I plan on eating to my satisfaction without throwing up."

"Sorry, I better go join your Dad before I make anymore mistakes." Hailey laughed before leaving.

"Better." Quinn and Arlo chorused and I couldn't help but wonder.

Is she always open minded at home and say things that embarrass the kids just like she did to me right now? Because all I know is that I'm burning with embarrassment right now and it isn't going away anytime soon.

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