7~ Day of Black Sun: Part 2

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(Y/n) looked down. There was a huge drop, right down into a river of lava.

"That's great." (Y/n) said, peering down below her. She felt the heat of the lava sting her face.

"Climb aboard and hold on tight." Aang instructed, tapping his glider open.

So, they did. Aang had three people hanging on for dear life on top of his glider as he weaved through pillars of rock, and above the lava river as popping bubbles almost touched them. Aang got them to the other side safely, and they continued running down the path.

They reached a large metal dome with a huge door on it, settled into the rock.

"That's some door." Sokka exclaims in awe.

Toph steps up to the metal, and lightly knocks it as she leans her ear in close. "Not a problem."

She begins to elbow the metal, denting it with each hit. Then she backs up, sticks her index and middle fingers up on each hand, kisses them, and sticks them into the metal, prying it open. She runs through, morning for everyone to follow her.

"I am so glad we added you to the group." Sokka admires, smiling.

They continue running down the tunnel, and whip around at the sound of someone gasping behind them.

Everyone quickly readies themselves to fight, facing an old man in a cloak, who looks horrified.

He throws his hands up in the air. "The Fire Lord's chamber is that way, down the hall to the left and up the stairs. You can't miss it." He says, his speech quick and shaky.

"Thanks!" Aang chirps, running the direction the man told them to go.

"Only 30 seconds until the total eclipse." Sokka informs the group as they run.

They approach another large door with a Fire Nation insignia on the top of the frame, and a torch on either side of the door.

Aang slowly inhales, then exhales. "I'm ready. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

Aang uses his glider to blow the doors open, the metal clanging into the chamber. The four run in to face...

"So, you are alive after all."


"I had a hunch that you survivals, but it doesn't matter. I've known about the invasion for months."

Azula looks sickly smug, like she got everything she wanted. Of course she did. She seemed to be one step ahead of them at all times.

"Where is he? Where's the Fire Lord?" Aang demands.

Everyone had themselves in a battle ready position facing Azula.

"Hm, you mean i'm not good enough for you? You're hurting my feelings." Azula teases.

"Stop wasting our time and give us the information," Sokka says. "You're powerless right now, so you're in no position to refuse."

"And stick to the truth. I'll be able to tell if you're lying." Toph says.

"Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar," Azula steps down closer to the group. "I am a 400-foot tale purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings."

Toph pauses, her face scrunching up. "Okay, youre good, I admit it," Toph then encases Azula in rock. "But you really ought to consider telling the truth anyway."

The earth around Azula cracks, and crumbles off of her. She nonchalantly dusts off any remaining pebbles. "When I left Ba Sing Se, I brought home some souvenirs..." Familiar figures drop from the roof to the ground. "Dai Li agents."

Fire in My Heart [3] (Sokka x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat