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     You were sitting on the swing set at the park when a group of kids came up to you. They were from your school and it became part of their daily routine to tease you. Anything and everything they could comment on they would, and if you showed no reaction they would make it worse. Recently though its become more physical, hitting, kicking, pushing, anything. One of the kids pushed you off the swing causing you to scrape your knees. They surrounded you as they point and laugh at the tears rolling down your face.

"Aww is the little baby crying?"

"Seriously you make this so easy."

You sat on the ground hugging your legs close to your chest wishing they'd just leave you alone.

"Please, I never did anything to any of you. Please just leave me alone." You immediately wished you kept your mouth shut when some of them started kicking you.

You tried your best to cover and protect your face and stomach from their kicks but still got hit.

"Tch, imagine having to gang up on a small girl who clearly can't defend herself." You heard someone say as the kicks subsided.

"Huh? What did you s-" The bully was cut off by a punch to his cheek making him fall to the floor.

"You heard exactly what I said." The boy said before looking down at you shaking. "If I see you bothering this girl again you're gonna get a lot more than a punch to the face, okay?" He said staring the group down.

     His gaze caused the group to back away and leave you alone as you sat in a ball on the ground. You looked up to see a boy around your age, maybe a year or two older staring down at you. He had shoulder length hair that was blonde and faded to black at the ends of his hair. He continued to stare down at you, which caused you to avert your eyes literally anywhere else. You could still feel him staring making you become uncomfortable.

"Um, your knees are still bleeding. Theres a store not to far away I could help you patch your knees up." He spoke up.

"Oh no, I don't want you to waste any of your time. T-thank you for helping me though, I really appreciate it." You smiled up at him, noticing the stinging in your knees.

"Nonsense. I don't mind, plus you look like you're in pain." He said extending his hand to you.

     You grabbed ahold of his hand as he helped you up, the stinging becoming worse making you wince. He and you walked to the store together only a few blocks away. Once at the store the pair of you went inside and the boy bought you disinfectant, and band-aids. He took you back outside and you made your way back to the park. You sat down at one of the benches as he knelt  in front of you to clean your knees.

"You know you should really try saying something to a teacher. You shouldn't be tormented like that." The boy said looking at you.

"I tried and it just made it worse so I keep quiet now." You spoke softly as he nodded his head.

He finished patching up your knees and you thanked him before standing up. 

"Well I guess I should get home now." You spoke up.

"Would you mind if I walked you home? I just don't want you to get jumped again." The boy said nonchalantly.

"Oh sure! Thanks." You smiled before the both of you started walking in the direction of your house.

     You two made small talk on your way home just getting to know each other. You found out his name is Ran Haitani, he has a younger brother named Rindou, and apparently the both of them like to fight. He explained it was rare that he would break up a fight and not join in for his own pleasure. You asked him why he decided to interfere in a fight that he wasn't involved in and his answer was simple.

"I might like fighting but seeing a group of boys gang up on a girl who had no hope of defending herself just isn't cool." He answered.

You came up to your street and you slowed your pace.

"This is my street, I think I can handle the rest." You smiled at him.

"Okay. Here, hopefully you won't need these again but take them." He said passing the disinfectant and band-aids to you.

"Oh, thank you and yeah, hopefully I won't need them." You let out a soft chuckle.

"Well see ya..." He trailed off.

"Oh (Y/N). Sorry never told you my name."

"Its okay. See ya around (Y/N)." He said.

"Yeah. Bye Ran." You said waving to him as you made your way to your house and he walked back the other way.

You walked into your house, your mom waiting in the kitchen.

"Hi hon- those boys again?" She asked noticing your bandaged knees.

"Yeah." You said looking at the ground.

"Where'd you get the money for those things?" She questioned pointing to the items in your hands.

"Oh some boy actually helped me out and then helped clean my cuts." You smiled.

"Aww my baby made a friend. I told you you'd make friends here." She smiled. "Well go clean up dinners almost done."

     You made your way to the bathroom to wash your hands before sitting at the diner table. Your mother asked you about the situation that happened at the park. You explained to her about the bullies and how Ran came to your aid and helped you. You could see her smile on her face grow wider the longer you talked about Ran. Making friends was always a difficult thing for you so telling your mom about how someone decided to help you out made her happy.

"Is he cute?" Your mom asked after you finished the story, nearly causing you to choke on your drink.

"W-what? I don't know mom, I only met him today." You said coughing up your drink.

"I bet he's a cutie." She said nudging your shoulder.

     You both finished dinner and she helped you finish your homework before you went off to bed. Cleaning your teeth and brushing through your hair, you made your way to your bedroom getting in bed. You sat awake in bed thinking about the absurd question your mom asked at dinner. 'Is he cute?' You thought for a moment, I mean he's nice, and you guess he was on the attractive side, definitely being more attractive than the boys you want to school with. You shook the thought out of your head and laid down, soon falling asleep.

Until the end~ Ran Haitani FanficWhere stories live. Discover now