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After you had watched her curl into a ball on the ground to sleep, you walked out of the forest. But you weren't the same as when you went into the forest. Every ounce of suspicion in you was proven right and your mindset about dragons was now completely different from, well, anyone you had ever known.

"Get up."

"Five more minutes," you groaned, turning your back to the door.

"Now," the harsh voice said. Your eyes snapped open, recognising the voice of your mom.

"Why?" you asked, sitting up.

"You're starting dragon training," she said coldly.

Your eyes widened. "But I don't want to kill drag-"

"Y/n," she said in a warning tone.

"Yes, I will, mother," you said, casting your eyes downwards.

"Good. Breakfast is on the table." And with that, she left the room. You sighed, standing up to find your clothes.

Since dad left to find the dragons' nest and never came back 4 years ago, mom had been really strict and harsh.

After dressing up in your usual clothes, - pants, boots, skirt, shirt and shoulder pads - you went downstairs to eat breakfast, luckily not having to encounter your mom. After breakfast you braided a part of your shoulder-length h/c hair on the right side of your head and headed out to go to the arena. You really didn't want to but you knew you'd have trouble if you didn't.

You arrived just in time to hear Tuffnut ask: "Oh, great, who let him in?"

At least it's not about me, you thought, eyeing Hiccup who was a few meters in front of you.

"Let's get started!" Gobber announced. "The recruit who does best will win the honour of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village."

'His', huh? you thought, raising a brow. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Astrid.

"Hiccup already killed a Night Fury so does that disqualify him, orr..." Snotlout trailed off.

"Shut it," you said blankly. "You have no say in anyone's life except yours."

He just stared at you, opening his mouth to say something. You glared at him, successfully making him shut up and take a step back.

Gobber went to comfort Hiccup while you stood in line next to the others, still keeping your distance though.

"Behind these doors are a few of the many species you will learn to fight!" Gobber said, starting to teach.

You zoned out as he went over the dragon species, zoning back in when Snotlout freaked out. "Whoa, whoa, wait aren't you gonna teach us first?!"

You smirked, countering his sentence. "Do dragons notify us half an hour before the raid?"

"I believe in learning on the job," Gobber said before opening the cage. "Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead."

While taking a shield like commanded, you observed the Gronckle's movements. They were a bit clumsy but the shots were precise. You noticed that when the twins got shot out.

Fishlegs was out next because he got distracted. Then Snotlout for the same reason.

Hiccup's shield got blasted out of his hands and he flew after it, the Gronckle following him.

Without thinking, you bolted in front of Hiccup, taking a tiny chance you had. Facing the Gronckle, you put your hands in front of you.

"Please go ba-ack to the cage, I don't want you to get hurt," you sang quietly, only for the dragon to hear, in the tune of the lullaby that had calmed Glacier down. The Gronckle's pupils widened and it flew back into the cage, Gobber closing it after it as you let your hands down.

After that, you wondered if you were just very lucky or special for dragons to act like that with you. You decided that you could figure that out after a few next tries. If you weren't dead already that is.

After being dismissed, you snuck off into the forest, going to your hideout.

"Glacier," you called out softly, hoping that yesterday wasn't that the dragon was just playing with its prey. "Glacier?"

Suddenly something bounced on your back and threw you to the ground, starting to lick your head and face as you turned around.

"I missed you too?" you asked, getting up. The dark indigo blue dragon started bouncing happily around you, flapping its wings.

"Oh, you've healed!" you noticed. "I'll take the bandage off then."

She stopped jumping around and nodded, stopping in front of you.

"I guess dragons heal quicker than humans then," you muttered while taking it off.

Glacier gave you a happy lick again before throwing you on her back with her head.

"Oh, whoa, girl, calm down!" you said while laughing. "Do you want to fly?"

She nodded.

"With me on your back?"

She nodded again with a happy expression.

"Alrighty then," you said. "But catch me if I fall, okay?"

You didn't get any sort of answer, instead, the dragon took off, flying to the sky.

You looked around in wonder, it was the most beautiful and relaxing thing you had ever done.

"I don't understand why everyone hates you guys," you said, patting Glacier on the neck.

The Journey - Book 1 (HTTYD X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now