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You yawned and went off to the forest, planning to spend some time in your hideout.

You walked to the furthest part of the island, where a high cliff with a cave was to your right and forest all around you, the edge of the island only being a minute walk away.

You pulled out your sketchbook and pencil, sitting on a log you had rolled there. In a nearby cave, you kept a bit of leather and sewing stuff because, well, you didn't have friends so you had to do something in your free time, right. And besides - you preferred quiet, alone activities.

You were drawing a nearby flower, when you heard a... howl? It sounded like an animal but you couldn't pinpoint what kind.

You stood up and put the sketchbook and pencil back in your belt-bag, making it heavy enough to reach the middle of your leather-skirt which had some tiny white stones sewn into it in patterns here and there. You had decorated it yourself. The same went to your shoulder pads.

You carefully walked out from behind your hill, looking around. You walked closer to what seemed to be a dark indigo-coloured wing.

It moved and you stopped in caution, slowing down your movements. Finally going around the big bush that had previously blocked your view.

You halted when you came face to face with a dragon. A Night Fury, to be exact. Its sage green eyes bore into your e/c ones. You observed the dragon, realising it had a wing stuck under a big rock.

I don't have any weapons! you groaned internally, contemplating on what to do. You decided it would be human to help the animal.

"Please don't kill me," you said quietly, moving closer to the rock. It growled at you.

"It's okay," you said quietly, trying to soothe the dragon. "I'll help you out of here."

You pushed your back against the rock, managing to move it, in a flash, the dragon was on its feet and standing defensively, growling at you.

Your heart was going fast. You had never been so scared before in your entire life.

You closed your eyes, focusing on the one thing you always focused on when you were scared. It was a short but sweet lullaby that your mother used to sing to you.

You opened your eyes, humming the tune to yourself. You didn't want to be close-eyed for too long in front of a creature that could kill you within a literal second. To your surprise, its pupils widened and it sat down, wagging its tail like a dog.

"Oookay," you said slowly, processing what was going on. You let your eyes inspect the dragon once more, now noticing the wing which wasn't sitting on its body quite right.

"I'll be right back," you said, turning around. But starting to walk, you heard waddling footsteps behind you. You turned around, looking at the dark indigo blue dragon. "Or you can come with me." It continued wagging with its tail.

You turned back around, walking to your little clearing and to the cave. "Bandages, bandages..." you rummaged through the stuff on the little carved shelf. "There!"

You went back outside. "So..." you started, lifting up the bandage to show it to the sage-eyed creature. "I'll put this on your wing to help. This way you can fly again soon."

It eyed the bandage suspiciously but nodded, turning its body so you could have access to the wing.

You cautiously went towards it, stopping when you heard the dragon hiss in pain. You thought for a second before opening your mouth. "So are you a girl or a boy?" you asked, trying to distract the dragon from the pain.

It made a gurgling noise, making you realise your mistake.

You laughed lightly. "Let me rephrase that. Are you a boy?"

It shook its head.

"So you're a girl then," you asked, trying to confirm. It nodded.

You made a knot, tying the ends of the bandage together. "Done," you said, going in front of the dragon. "You should be back in the air in a week."

She looked at you curiously, tilting her head to the side.

"What?" you asked.

She only blinked at you.

"Anyways, I'm Y/n," you said to ease the awkwardness. "What can I call you?"

She made a dragon-language-type-of-noise again and you sighed. "How about Emerald? No, that doesn't go together with you in any way. Hmmm... Sage! No, no, no, that just sounds horrible."

She looked at you, making you look up at her since you were sitting on the ground. You studied her features once again, trying to find a fitting name.

Suddenly it came to you. "Glacier! Do you like it?"

She nodded.

"Glacier it is," you smiled. She opened her mouth to smile back, making you notice that she had retracted her teeth. Of course, you also found the smile very cute.

You yawned, looking up at the sky which twinkled with stars.

"I think I'll head home now," you told Glacier. "Stay here, okay. There's a lake a few minute walk that way," you pointed into the forest. "You can get fish from there. And please don't come close to the village, okay? I want you to be safe."

After you had watched her curl into a ball on the ground to sleep, you walked out of the forest. But you weren't the same as when you went into the forest. Every ounce of suspicion in you was proven right and your mindset about dragons was now completely different from, well, anyone you had ever known. 

The Journey - Book 1 (HTTYD X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now