Kitty nap :")

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Minho was crying.

The tears where running down his cheeks and dropping onto his light blue denim jeans. He was tighly holding on to the weel of his car, and he had lowered his head so no one around him would see him cry. Another wave of sadness went through his body and he shivered as he crouched down even more.

He hated this feeling.

He wanted to protect Jisung, he wanted to hold him close, he wanted to care for him. But Jisung didn't seem to need anyone.

„He...he doesn't need me..." Minho scoffed, as he tried not to sobb to patheticly.

He forced himself to sit up straight and pressed his back into the old leather of his car, while heavily breathing. He swallowed another load of tears and took a few deep breaths.

„Gosh, stop crying already you big baby. It's not like the world has ended..."

Minho then turned the key and drove off the little parking lot of the high building 3Rachas apartment was in.

While he drove to his apartment, his phone kept on buzzing on the passenger seat beside him. He knew it was Jisung.

I'm really sorry hyung, i don't think we have any more space in our fridge for your stuff, maybe next time... i'm really so sorry-"

Oh- that's... that's okay- i'm just gonna drive back home and put it into my own fridge... i can eat it on my own..."

That's good... i'm so sorry, really."

What did she even want? Y'know, Cha-young."

Oh, she just wanted to apologize for chea- i mean, for breaking up and were friends now. At least i think so. She confuses me."


Minho shook his head to forget the past conversations.

His phone buzzed again, but Minho stopped himself from picking it up and reading the messages. He didn't want to think about Jisung right now. He only wanted to distract himself from everything that was pulling him down at the moment.

He pulled up into the driveway to his neighbourhood and locked the doors of the small silver car when he got out. He also immideately recognized Hyunjins car beside his (a black, glossy sedan that he had bought with the money he had earned by selling his paintings). He was avery talented artist, it was a shame that his parents didn't recognized his talent.


Minho heard Hyunjins voice before he saw the slender, tall figure standing infront of his door. He saw Hyunjin furrow his brows, of course he had noticed Minhos red and swollen eyes. But he didn't say anything about it, and Minho was more than just thankful for that.

„Hyung, hey. Uhhhhhhh..."

„What are you doing here, Weasel Boy?" Minho said with a grin and took out his house keys.

„I... i have a slight problem." Hyunjin murmured and Minho gently pushed him to the side to open the door.

„I... i had another fight with my parents."

Minho froze for a second, the he sighed deeply and opened the door.

„Get in. I'll make some tea."

Hyunjin smiled brightly and took of his boots. „You're literally the best. Thank you." „Yeah, yeah i know. Leave the shoes at the door, or Soongie will use them as her new toy."


„So, what exacly happened...?" Minho asked as he poured his younger friend a cup of tea. „Ah, just the usual. They still want me to become a damn fuckin doctor."

Minho shook his head in disbelief, once again. He did that a lot recently.

„If it would have been just the usual, you wouldn't be here right now. So, what happened?"

Hyunjin sighed as he wrapped his big, pretty hands around the warm cup and stared at the rising steam. „I got kicked out."

Minho nearly poured the burning hot tea over his hands. „You got WHAT?! Are your parents out of their mind?!?"

He agressivly placed down the teapot and sat down at the table across from Hyunjin.

„What are you gonna do now?" the red headed male asked softly and the tall one with the chin long black hair nervously played with his hands. „I was gonna ask if i could stay here for a short while... just untill i find an own apartment."

Minho nodded quietly, of course Hyunjin would stay here. Where else should he go? He didn't have any other relatives in Korea, except for this one grandma on Jeju island. And he sure as hell wouldn't move toJeju on his own.

„Yeah, you can stay. Do you have any stuff with you? I can give you clothes and food, but you'll have to sleep on, option one – the floor –or, option two – the couch. I don't want you touching my ass while i'm asleep."

Hyunjin smiled warmly.

„I think you are the one that would touch my ass, but...  i would even sleep in the catbed, thank you so much."

Minho glared at him.

„Hey,hands off the cat bed."








I'm actually feeling pretty good now, diffrent from the past few days, so i decidet that it would be time for a good ol 1am update :D

I hope u enjoyed this chap, i will try to write more in the next few days :DDDD

(BTW this song is rlly chill, one of my favs, it's very calming and comforting <333)



🅶🆄🅸🆃🅰🆁 🅱🅾🆈 // A Minsung Texting Ff 🎸⚣Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz