"Well I happen to know something else that you love," the blonde said while crossing his arms to seem intimidating and trying hard not to burst into laughter. He thought Bella looked more cute than demanding.

"And what would that be?" Bella asked while doing her best to raise an eyebrow in question of him.

"Now what but who," he replied smiling. "I happen to know that you wouldn't reject me for potstickers would you? It's only one. I can cook an amazing dinner for you later to make up for it."

Bella eventually gave in and pouted. "Fine, you can have one potsticker but the rest are mine."

"Deal," Chris said giving Bella all but one potsticker and happily letting her talk his ears off even with a mouth full of potstickers.

Kara was at home sitting on the couch with her head resting in her hands. She trusted the DEO to take care of Bella and after relentless comments from Barry telling her to go home and rest, she obeyed. She trailed her hands down her face and leaned back into the couch upset that she had let her little girl get hurt and still wanting Bella to trust Barry. As if he heard her thoughts of him, Barry walked in carrying two cartons of ice cream and some spoons. He knew that Kara was feeling down and wanted to do his best to comfort her.

Kara swung her legs onto Barry's lap and rested her back against the armrest of the couch to keep herself sitting up while she ate her ice cream. Barry placed a hand on Kara's legs where they were on his lap and held them close while he looked into her eyes. Her usually crystal clear blue eyes that were now a storm of emotions reflecting everything that lay beneath. "I know that it's hard but I'm here for you. We can only cuddle and eat ice cream while watching one of your favourite movies, or we can talk about it if you want. I'm open to both too."

Kara slowly took a spoonful of her vanilla ice cream and swallowed it before she spoke. "I'll talk about it when I get words to come. For now, I only want to spend time with the man that I love."

Barry nodded and grabbed the remote turning on 'The Wizard of Oz' for Kara to watch knowing it was one of her favourites. He ate some of his ice cream making sure to save some of the chocolate for Kara knowing that she liked to have equal of both chocolate and vanilla. "I'm here whenever, we don't have to talk tonight either. I'll always be here for you, Kara Danvers. You are my lightening rod," he whispered the last part as the movie started.

About halfway through the movie Kara switched ice cream with Barry. His eyes almost never left her out of worry but Barry did manage to watch part of the movie so that Kara could talk with him about it if she wanted. Kara finished her ice cream near the end of the movie and switched positions so that her head was resting against Barry's shoulder and her feet were on top of a small table in front of the couch. "I love you Barry," she whispered quietly, "I only want for you to be part of my family. You are so caring, selfless, nerdy, kind, and generous. I'm lucky to have someone like you with me after what happened with Mon-El and I'm thankful that you stuck with me even with all my past emotional trauma. I'm sorry if I haven't been perfect to you." Kara felt almost guilty thinking that he had done so much for her and she hadn't done much to help him.

Barry pulled Kara closer to him and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Kara... if I had the opportunity to go back in time and change all of it, I wouldn't. I would do it all over again just to be with you. You have helped me just as much and I've only been returning the favour. Don't ever feel like you're not enough for me because you are my world and there's nothing that will ever change that." The speedster brought one of his hands to a pocket that held a small box. He had been holding onto this for a while and was waiting for the proper time to take it out.

He grabbed the remote and turned off the television. Barry moved off the couch to kneel in front of Kara taking a moment to breathe. He then opened the box slowly revealing a ring with a golden band and a single diamond positioned in the middle on the top. On the inside of the ring there was an engraving of the world 'always' to promise that Barry would always love Kara. "Kara Zor-El Danvers, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"

Kara's hands flew to her face once more as tears brimmed in her eyes. This time it was out of immense joy with her hands covering the 'o' formed by her mouth when hearing Barry propose. "I would be honoured to marry you Bartholomew Henry Allen," Kara said as she held out her hand for Barry to slide the ring onto her finger.

The speedster moved back onto the couch next to Kara and kissed her with all that he had. "I know it wasn't fancy but the time felt right. I was hanging onto the ring while trying to find the best time for me to show you. I wanted everything to be perfect. I was planning that we would go on a date in a fancy restaurant and I would take you out to look over the horizon on the beach but now felt right and I was so worried you would say no," he rambled telling Kara what his original plan was and being relieved that she had accepted.

"Barry, I don't need the perfect date. I have what I need here with me and that is you. Nothing has to be perfect as long as I have your wonderful self in my life and I would love to be married to you. It would be one of the best moments to ever happen in my life."

The two spent the rest of the night kissing, talking, and celebrating before they finally went to bed with more positive attitudes towards what will happen next.

To be continued...

Sorry I have been so busy lately. I might try to write chapters this length more often to develop plot more than smaller ones.

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