Chapter 9

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After a couple days of looking and finding nothing, Barry and Kara had begun to her even more worried than they were before. Kara was pacing in the main operation room of the DEO while rambling about how much Cadmus could've hurt Bella already. Barry had been trying to call her emotions for hours on end.

"What if they've dissected her? O-or beat her so much that she can't even sit up? Or if they used waterboarding on her to get her to talk? Rao, there's too much stuff that could've happened Barry. We have to get her back now. Before Lillian kills her to prove a point or something-" Kara went on.

Barry cut off her rambling when he cupped her face with both of his hands and kissed her deeply. The speedster pulled away and made sure Kara was looking into his eyes. "We will find her and we will find her soon. Cisco is running the computers and satellites to find her..." he trailed off.

The Kryptonian grew concerned when Barry stopped mid-sentence. "What? What is it? Barry?"

Barry's face lit up like it did when he thought of a solution to a difficult problem. "Cisco! Cisco can vibe to find her! He hasn't done it in a while but that's what we can do!"

A rush of wind passed by Barry as Kara left. She came back moments later with a block that Bella had cherished as a baby. "He can use this! Bella loved blocks when she was three and this one was her favourite."

"Great! I'll grab Cisco," Barry then sped out leaving Kara in the path of his wind. He grabbed Cisco from STAR Labs without asking and brought him back to the DEO.

"Barry! You need to tell me when you speed me away from what I'm doing. I was working on a very important prototype for helping you stop villains like Pied Piper," Cisco complained.

The speedster gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, but we found a way to track Bella to find where she went. We've been looking for Kryptonian signatures but whoever has her would've taken away her powers by the use of the red sun or Kryptonite, meaning the extreme heat from a kryptonian's body won't register. I figured you could maybe use your powers to Vibe her," he explained as Kara held up the block eagerly.

Cisco sighed and avoided eye contact. "No, you know that I don't vibe anymore ever since I saw the vision of Alyssa and since my vibes don't usually work," the brunette said. About six months ago he had a vision of Alyssa, his sister, turning into a witch similar to that of the Marvel character named Wanda. Since then, his vibes had been messed up and leading to the complete opposite place.

Alyssa was taken in by the Ramon family when she was little after her biological family had treated her unfairly. Cisco and Alyssa grew immensely close and were almost inseparable expect for when Cisco was in his lab, he never let Alyssa help in there.

"Please try just this once, if it doesn't work then we will find another was. Kara can't lose Bella and I would never be able to live with myself if she did. You would understand if it were Alyssa's life on the line," Barry replied trying to think of a way to get to his friend.

Cisco sighed and held his hand out for the block. "Give me the block, I'll do my best." Kara immediately placed the block in his outstretched hand. Cisco closed his hand around the block and vibed it to see an image of a large black warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. He looked around to try to find Bella but could only see the outside of the warehouse. Cisco looked a little closer and saw the Cadmus logo that would always play at the beginning of each of their promos. He left the vibe and dropped the block.

Before the block could touch the ground, Kara caught it and held it close. "Where is she?"

Cisco looked at Kara. "I saw a huge black warehouse with the Cadmus logo out in the middle of nowhere. I think I saw a small farm nearby but I'm not really sure."

"I'll gather everyone and go check. Oh and Cisco, I haven't washed that block since Bella was a baby," Kara smiled sheepishly and made her way to the training room to find Lili.

"What?! That's disgusting!" Cisco shook his hand as if to get the long dead germs off. His scientist brain had left and instead his germaphobe side had taken over.

Barry laughed "The bacteria would have become inert by now, it will be fine." He left to follow after Kara and get agents ready. Barry made sure the agents all went to the armoury and were properly armed.

Once Kara and Barry had rounded up Alex, Lili, J'onn and a few other agents, they made their way to the location Cisco had described. The DEO vans had parked a kilometre away from the warehouse as everyone swarmed out with guns ready. They cautiously walked to the warehouse, Lili and Kara flying, and pushed the large metal door open. The warehouse was completely empty with only a few chains hanging from the roof. Two DEO teams took off to inspect the lower floors only to report nothing.

"Rao! There's nothing here! We have to find her! They must've cleared out, but why? They didn't know of us tracking them." Kara said tilting her head in confusion while she tried to remain strong for Lili.

Brainy had been scouting around for clues and couldn't find anything until he spotted a crimson substance with specks of green dried to the ground. He ran a scanner over it and confirmed that the substance was linked to Kryptonian DNA. "I might've found something!" Based on Kara's assumption that they moved without having a reason, Brainy began to figure out what might've happen.

Lili rushed over to Brainy eager to find her sister. "What is it?" She took a closer gaze at the substance before noticing that it looked like dried blood. "Is that?" She asked pointing to it.

Brainy nodded. "I'm afraid so. If they moved, it must've been because of-" he was abruptly cut off by Lili who moved to speak.

"Bella escaped! There is an entire trail of the blood that leads to the forest! Cadmus must've moved in fear that she would've shared their location," she inquired as her science brain kicked into overdrive.

Barry had made his way to them and was listening in on their conversation. "Cisco saw a barn close by. Could that be where Bella is now?"

"It's worth a shot!" Kara piped in being desperate to rescue Bella. "I can hear the machines running, it's not too far." Kara pressed the button for her coms with Alex. "Alex, meet us at the nearby barn, your radar should be able to pick it up." She turned to Brainy, "Stay here and try to find anymore clues. Barry, Lili, follow me." With that, Kara flew off before giving any of them the chance to reply.

Lili landed in front of the house by the barn just before Kara did and Barry left some wind when he skidded in front. They talked to the owner of the barn and asked to take a look. After being let inside, the Kryptonians and speedster were greeted to Bella talking with a strange boy.

To be continued...

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