Chapter 3

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At eight o'clock sharp, Kara had woken up to an alarm she set so that she wouldn't be late in waking up Bella to go to Lili's. The Danvers quickly got out of bed using her super speed for change and gave Barry a short kiss on the head before leaving her room.

She entered Bella's room quietly hearing the door give a soft creak as she entered. Kara sat next to Bella on her bed, the light mattress falling under her. She took in Bella's peaceful form and how quiet she was when she slept, Kara only wished Bella was like this when she was awake. The Kryptonian stroked her daughter's back slowly like she did when Bella was younger. "Bella, wake up."

Bella let out a small groan before rolling over turning her back to Kara. "Five more minutes," she mumbled blurring the words together.

Kara thought for a moment about what would motivate Bella to get out of bed, thinking of a solution rather quickly. "Then I'll just tell Lili you aren't going to see her and that you won't be getting potstickers."

The brunette shot out of bed, sitting up rapidly. "Luna?! Potstickers?!" She was still somewhat half asleep but excited to see Lili, and potstickers were her favourite food.

Kara chuckled "Yes Lili and potstickers, but she wants you at nine so you have to get up and ready."

Bella instantly left her bed, and grabbed some clothes running into the bathroom. She came out half a minute later wearing grey sweatpants with a baggy white shirt. She wore her hair down like she almost always did, it was only ever up for special occasions. Bella hugged Kara tightly and whispered "Thank you..." knowing Kara was the reason she would get to see Lili.

"You're welcome. Now come on we don't have too much time and I was planning on stopping by noonan's to get some sticky buns alone the way. We will be driving after what you attempted to pull off last night," Kara said with a more commanding voice on the last sentence.

Bella looked down as she grabbed a small black backpack to hold some water "I'm sorry... I just thought Lena was a villain after everything she did. I thought she was mentoring Lili just to get close to her."

"Lena's done a lot of terrible things but she's made up for them with the amount of times she's done good. She cares for your sister and is planning on giving L-Corp to her," Kara explained. "We can get breakfast on the way."

"I know..." Bella walked out of the house with Kara and into their car. It was a red Mitsubishi but they liked the design and it was an older used model so they could afford it better. She hopped onto the black leather seat, moving the seat belt across her chest and lap before clicking it into place. Kara did the same on the driver's side closing the door with a "bang" and grabbing onto the steering wheel.

The Kryptonian pulled up to Noonan's getting a couple sticky buns for her and Bella to share. She passed one to Bella who quickly devoured it. The rest of the drive was spent in silence as Bella slept with her head rested against the car window. Kara spared a few glances over at Bella but for the most part kept her eyes on the road.

She pulled into the driveway of Lili's and Evan's house with the wheels of the car rolling across the rocks creating a sound that was similar to rain. Kara gently shook Bella awake and briefly let her know they were at their destination. The brunette's hair brushed against her face as she was shook causing her to slowly wake up. She let out a yawn and stretched shortly before smiling, happy to be at Lili's. Her hand reached to the door, pulling on the handle and opening it. Bella then walked up the short steps leading up to the rough brown door of the small house. She used the gold door knocker and pounded it on the door three times.

The door opened smoothly to show a figure dressed in baggy pants and a loose shirt, with messy brown hair and hazel eyes. Kara drove away as soon as she saw Cole open the door as she knew Bella was in safe hands. "Lili's inside trying to wake up by drinking her coffee. She's a little out of it however," he said with a slight smile trying to lighten the mood.

Bella pushed past Evan with her head down and walked into the kitchen to see Lili sitting at a splintered wooden table, her green eyes focussed on the cup of coffee in front of her. As if it were an instinct, Bella ran over to Lili hugging her and almost knocking the rocky wooden chair over. Lili let out a soft chuckle "Hey Bel," she said with a croak in her voice from just waking up.

Bella smiled hugging her sister tighter "Hi," she replied with no other words. Evan held in a laugh as he pulled Bella off of Luna causing the younger Danvers to pout. "How about we don't crush Luna?"

Lili looked at Bella's pout "Oh no, Evan you broke Bella, now you have to fix it." She then tickled Bella who couldn't get away because Evan was holding her arms back tightly. Bella squealed, laughing and remembering the tickle war they had when they were younger. "No babe, you're the scientist," Evan replied stifling a laugh.

"I give up... Stop ticking me!" Bella yelled not being able to handle anymore laughter. Lili stopped tickling Bella and pulled her into a hug.

"I've missed you, but let's be honest, mom only brought you to me so that I could butter you up for Barry to talk with you..." Bella's smile instantly turned into a frown hearing these words.

To be continued...

Karry Chroniclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें