Quackity (skip if you dont like bad thoughts what is going to happen ???)

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Hehe I'm sorry that this chapter is going to be the absolute worst. It's ok to SKIP this so that you won't have to have a dirty mind after. THIS CHAPTER is the only one that I don't really like so PLEASE enjoy the chapter.

Also this following chapter contains-:-:
Mention of Abuse

Quackitys p0v
I like teasing people. It keeps me from thinking about Schlatt and sh*t. I think I should probably say sorry though. I mean he is still with Karl. I also think that I should stop giving Dream visits. I think that I should apologize to him. All I know is that Wilbur is coming. I should probably explain to them. I don't know what to do. Schlatt is abusive and I don't know what to do about it. I have been taking my anger about Schlatt on Dream. I should go to therapy. But on the other hand I don't want to go to therapy. Ugh.. I don't know what to do. Should I go to therapy or no?
Wilbur showed up and barged in to the room. "Why are you Teasing Sapnap when he is still with Karl?" Wilbur asked me. So firm. "It takes my mind away from Schlatt! Ok? There I said it. I'm sorry I should have not done anything like this. I had so much anger pointing to Schlatt that I been taking my anger out on people." I explained looking down. The eggs were ready. I didn't care. I put them on the counter and made sure they weren't burnt. Then I turned off the stove. They looked surprised. Mostly Sapnap. "I'm going to go. I'm sorry I guess." Wilbur said leaving. Tears were falling off of my face. "Quackity.." Sapnap said. "What?! I did enough damage to this server. You cant just feel bad for me! I think I should just leave.." I said walking to the door. "Quackity wait! It's not your fault that there is a lot of damage to this server! Everyone makes mistakes!" He tried to stop me from leaving. "Well my mistakes can't be forgiven Sapnap! Everyone hates me! They don't like when I make jokes or joke around! Slime is dead! (You know the lore that Quackity streamed where Slime died to lava? That's what he means by Slimes dead.) You just don't get it!" I said crying my eyes out. "Shh I do get it.. I made unforgivable mistakes before I get what it feels like." Sapnap rushed over to me. He hugged me. "W-what?.." I said. "Stay on the couch." Sapnap said to me. "Ok..Fine." I said going to sit on the couch. He called someone.
Sapnaps pov
I called Karl to tell him what was happening with Quackity. "What? Oh my god I feel bad for him! I should have never had fought with him." Karl said sorry and mad at himself. "Hey, you can see come over and talk things out with him." I put in the conversation. "Ok.. I don't think he will forgive me but fine I will come over." Karl said. "Ok see you in a bit I bet you he will forgive u Karl. Try to trust that he will, but don't get your hopes up really high." I said before hanging up the phone call. Quackity was just sitting down on the couch carelessly like he was going to pass out. "Don't pass out Quackity." I put out there. "I'm no-" he tried to say but ended up just passing out. Quackity what am I going to do with you..? I thought. Karl came through the door. "Why was the door open-" he asked weirded out. "Idk but Quackity passed out on the couch I need help to bring him to my bed he is too heavy." I explained to the weirded out Karl. (that makes no f**king sense) "oh ok." He said walking over to me and Quackity. We both Picked up either sides of him and started to bring him to my bedroom.

"Karl do you still love him?"


"Me too"

Did you read the all caps words at the beginning of the chapter? What does it spell out? Put your answer right here!
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The Words in all of this chapter is-:-:-:

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