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What is up, my hoes 😌

If you can't already tell this chapter is an LJ X Reader-


Anyways, gonna be completely honest, I have literally no idea where I'm going with this chapter, so if it seems made up as I go along that is 100% what's happening

I'm shameless, and have writing motivation for the first time in like, 5 months so 💀💀💀

Hi, this is the author 935 words into the chapter, there's a lot of exposition and stuff so uh, yeah sorry if you hate explanations 😭



Y/N had always loved the circus.

The dancing acrobats, swinging to and fro from trapezes and platforms. The amazing animals, who were seemingly trained to perfection.

But, one part had always terrified yet intrigued him.

The clowns.

They scared the living shit out of him, but at the same time, he wanted to know more about them. How they managed to act the way they do, all goofy and irregular.

But he just couldn't bring himself to talk to a real life one.

So, seeing as actual clowns were not an option, he bought a little Jack in the Box.

Or, rather, Laughing Jack.

The vender had told the young Y/N his name.

Regardless, the thing was a toy, so he could play with it and have fun, while being in no danger, right?

Yeah, that's what you'd like to think.


''Mom! Have you seen him?''

''You're going to have to be more specific dear, who?''

Y/N's head popped out from behind a wall, much much older now.

''Mom, c'mon, I'm talking about LJ! That Jack in the Box toy clown I used to love.''

The young man's mom turned from her sewing machine to look back at her son, a confused look on her face.

''Why in the world would you want that dirty old thing?''

''I dunno, I'm bored? And I need something to do.''

Shaking her head in exasperation, Y/N's mother turned her sewing machine off and stood, flattening out her shirt of wrinkles.

She then stood, hands on her hips to face her son.

''Honestly, I really don't think you should be looking for it-''

''Why the hell not??''


''Jeez, alright alright. But, seriously, why can't I? I'm 17 mom, I deserve to know why the hell you took my favorite toy away from me when I was only a kid.''

Y/N's mom went pale, like she'd seen a ghost. Her shoulders seemed to slump in a defeated manner, and she turned away from her son.

''I can't. You- It was not, normal... ''

Y/N blinked, absolute bewildered. A small amount of worry & mingled concern graced his features.

''What are you talking about, mom?''

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