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Y/N was in his room, playing a game on his phone. He had lost during an online match and threw it across the room in a rage quit. Luckily, the poor phone landed on his beanbag.

Grumbling, Y/N stood, ruffling his (H/C) hair. The male was home alone for the weekend, parents having gone on a romantic getaway. Y/N was also 18 now, so he was a legal adult that could make his own decisions. Whether that was a good or a bad thing is up for debate.

As he exited his room, maybe just to wander about out of boredom, his stomach growled aggressively at him. Climbing down the ladder, as his room was in the attic, he stopped at the bottom to fold his arms angrily.

''Jeez, okay, no need to be so rude.''

When he got to the stairs, Y/N layed down and slithered down the steps like a snake, giggling to himself like an idiot.

Standing and regaining some composure, Y/N hopped into the kitchen, opening a random cupboard and grabbing a box of poptarts.

Just as he ripped the wrapper off and shoved the entire thing into his mouth, a large, ominous bang sounded from behind him.

Jumping 5 feet into the air, he slowly turned and choked on his poptart.


Staring straight at him through the kitchen window was a dark figure with a blue face and no eyes that seemed to leak tar.

Slowly, he moved to put the box back in his cupboard, never breaking eye contact.

As soon as the cupboard was closed behind him, he bolted, sprinting harder than he ever had in his entire life.

Y/N could hear glass shatter as he was halfway up his bedrooms ladder. The figure most definitely broke into his house and was on their way to find him.

Pulling up the ladder as quietly as possible, he snatched the rope up into the attic with him so no one could grab it from the room below.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Y/N quickly realized he needed to do something.

Call the cops?

Yes, but they probably wouldn't make it in time. He lived out in the country away from the city, and his closest neighbours were about a half a mile away.

Lost in thought, he was completely oblivious to the figure staring at him from on top of the roof, through the small window he had.

The figure leaned down, tapping on it quietly, becoming more loud until Y/N was snapped back to reality.

The male turned, horrified, to see the figure waving at him in a careless manner.


The figure seemed to tilt it's head, though it looked weird since it was upside down. He slowly drew his hand back, before punching in the window and seemingly slithering inside.

Y/N let out a high pitched scream, scrambling backwards to crawl under his bed. Backing himself into the corner wasn't that hard, he was naturally small. Usually he'd get mad at being so short but now he was thanking God for it.

The figure hopped down from Y/N's shelves below the window, feet thumping against the floor.

The shorter male quickly covered his mouth to stifle a gasp at the incredibly deep voice. It was kinda hot.

''Come on out, little guy. I know where you are, and I could sit here forever waiting.''

''... Why?''

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