Chapter 17 ♥︎

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Stress saw hermits crowding around an area, and looked over to see who False had chosen as her next victim to beat. A flash of red armor peaked through, along with a gorgeous purple scarf, and she sighed with a smile.

"I hope she doesn' scare 'im away." Stress looked at him and saw a hidden smile in his eyes, with his wooden sword in hand. She smiled, knowing he was actually having a good time.

One of the cookies they had made melted in her mouth as she watched the fight. "My goodness these are good. I hope Alex has tried a few."

Alex had a wooden sword between both hands, and thinned his eyes as he adjusted his stand in the snow. This was clearly not his ideal terriane as his foot slipped a bit too much in the snow, and False knew it.

False swung predictably over his head, and he blocked it and hit it off to the side.

"You can do it, cookie man!" Ren slurred and pumped a fist into the air.

Alex almost laughed at the sight of Ren and the hilarious nickname "cookie man", but another quick attack from False to his side whipped his attention back to the duel.

"Take False down! She's won every match for too long!" Grian cheered. He had an even brighter red sweater (if that was possible) than normal, with bright lights sewn around it, blinking when he clicked the button on his sleeve for the dramatic moment.

They were hitting swords back and forth, like arm wrestling with a fit of strength between them. It was really impressive on both sides.

False swung at Alex's side and forced him to back up, slipping in the snow again before he caught himself.

"Aww you're just mad cause I destroyed you on your first try, G!" False quipped back.

Alex swung his sword towards her and she whipped her head back to attention, blocking it off.

It was clear that False had the upper hand, lighter and swifter movements let her glide on the ice easier, but Alex was still holding his own for a good part of it.

They went back and forth, like a dance but with more force on the wooden swords than a choreography would have. Alex was stiffer, trying to plant his feet in the ground of the snow, and False was fluid as she tried to get a good angle on him.

Xisuma walked over next to Stress with a piece of cake in his hand and smiled. "He's actually talking with people."

"I knew he could. Just needed a bit of a shove." She smiled calmly.

"I was worried he would run back to the portal immediately when he saw me. Thank you, Stress. For being there for him when I couldn't."

"Of course. He's a friend now, and everyone deserves some love, 'specially during the 'olidays."

False jumped behind him and swung at his back, and Alex's arm had to stretch weird to block it. He flipped his body around to the side and got a better grip on his sword, starting to feel hot under his gear.

Swords clashed, the wood clacking hollowly against the other. It was loud, people were screaming and cheering as the two fought. This had been the longest match, neither willing to give up yet.

"You got this luv!" Stress cheered out. 


the next one is the last technical chapter, but after I clean up everything else a little including a good chuck of the old stuff, I'll have 2 epilog chapters with some season 8 spoilers to wrap it up. Thank you so much for reading! and it's almost Christmas! I only have a little time left for the next chapter! Byeee! 

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