Chapter 15 ♥︎

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Alex tensed as his eyes went wide, surveying the area as best as he could. The nether? Flying ghasts and lava and fire everywhere, soul sand grabbing at your ankles, and every creature out to get you the second you stepped through the portal? Easy. A walk in the park. He used to do it in his sleep when he had to.

But this absolutely terrified him.

Lights were strung up, illuminating the light snowflakes falling on the smiling faces of every hermit. There were handmade red and green lanterns strung up on light poles and tables under covers filled with treats and goodies. The sun was going down, setting a glow onto the scene as the lights stood out from the darkness of the forests around them, and on further inspection, everything was safely mob proof and lit up for the night about to come. It was, as Stress would obviously put it, gorgeous.

But the laughter in the air, breaking the would-be-calm atmosphere, and every hermit he had ever known and more present, were enough to put him on edge. A shiver went down his spine, and he was doubtful it was just because of the transition from the nether to the winter setting.

"Oh the last two are here! Welcome to the festival!"

Alex whipped his head to Xisuma's voice, quickly getting defensive. His shoulders tensed as he sized Xisuma up and down, realizing he hadn't really heard what X had said and only focused on the fact it was his voice. There weren't any weapons on his person, but that didn't mean this still wasn't a trap. Alex's guard was on high alert.

"And you brought all of the cookies! My, they smell wonderful!" Xisuma said. "How long did it take to make so many?"

"Oh no time at all with Alex 'ere to help me!" Stress said and grinned at Alex.

"Oh uh- yeah- no problem." Alex said flatly. He hadn't heard what Xisuma had said at all, but it was probably about welcoming Stress to the party-festival-whatever and thanking him for helping with the treats. That was his cue to go, and he took it.

"Here." He shoved the baskets he was holding into Xisuma's chest who had to use both arms to hold the two of them securely.

"I uh- gotta go this way." He pointed towards a random direction and glanced at Stress. She gave him a half smile and he returned it a little awkwardly.

"She'll have fun here. Helping in the nether was the least I could do."

He flicked his hand quickly for a wave and sped walks away, desperately trying to stay invisible and hoping no one saw that or noticed him.

Xisuma was clearly confused, but didn't chase after him.

"Hey!" Xisuma yelled, but Alex kept walking. "Enjoy the party...." Xisuma said more quietly, fully knowing Alex didn't hear him. He sighed, and turned back to a slightly confused Stressmonster.

"What was 'at all about?" Stress asked, watching Alex hurry towards what looked like the treats table.

"I'm... not sure," Xisuma sighed. "I hope he at least tries to have fun."

Stress put her hand on X's shoulder to try to reassure him, which was sort of difficult with the baskets looped on her arms. "Let's go put these cookies somewhere."

Alex was hurrying as fast as he could around the crowd, trying to keep his distance from anyone that might recognize him or spot him out.

He saw a table full of treats, and an Evil Xisuma thought crossed his mind.

"Well if I have to leave the festival early anyway, no harm in skimming some food off of the top-"

On closer inspection of the layout, there were actually two tables full of food, and the one he was currently closer to was conveniently devoid of people.

Alex briskly walked over, avoiding the crowd like the plague and doging behind some really pretty trees, strung with multicolored lights that well- lit up the place.

"Maybe this is why I don't have friends. Not just because I'm Evil and tried to destroy the server that one time."

He pinned his back on the bark and thinned his eyes towards his target. There were cakes missing slices, gingerbread cookies, holiday themed cupcakes, hot cocoa, and other stuff he couldn't name. He knew if he was allowed to be here then he would never leave this table.

He jumped behind the table and ducked down, hoping no one saw him. X and Stress probably thought he was long gone by now back in the comfort of his- er, well cave. Ok not comfort, but you get the gist.

Alex peeked up and scanned the area, making sure no one was looking and he slowly stood up. More treats than he had ever seen in one place were in front of him and it was tempting to just grab the corners of the tablecloth and run off with the entire thing. Unfortunately, Stress was here, otherwise he would absolutely do that. He grabbed a cupcake and took a bite, the frosting melting in his mouth as his shoulders unconsciously relaxed. It was unbearably sweet, but he honestly found that even better, and was kinda surprised there were still plenty of these left.

"Oh damn that's good- Surely they won't mind if I take a few to go."

Alex looked around, and found a good direction to run off to once he got some stuff. Grabbing a plate, he loaded it up with 3 more cupcakes before scanning what to grab next. 


Someone recommended I have sneaky Alex here, and I was going to do more, but got stuck, so stealing food is pretty much it. Thank you for the idea though, and thanks for reading!

Stress Cookies! (Hermitcraft mini story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin