Chapter 9

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Third Person pov

Riley and Maya were putting their stuff into their lockers, when they noticed someone wearing a black hoody putting invitations in people's lockers. Riley looked at Maya and smiled, "Look what's happening look what's coming."

"What's coming crazy?" Maya chuckled.

"Invitations... to the seventh-grade parties." Riley told her. "It's begun. We could be party girls. I'm going to need a party-girl walk." Maya watched as she does a crazy walk.

While this was happening Remy silently walked up behind Maya, slowly encircling her arms around her waist. Maya jumped at first before looking up and realizing it was just Remy.

"When did you get here Rem?" Maya asked her.

"I've been here for awhile now, had to deal with something." Remy told her.

"Ok." Maya replied

"You know, there's going to be boys at these parties. But not just any boys. No opposite-sex boys. They're the best kind. Riley's said, her voice bringing Maya back to the conversation.

"Yeah, you sound ready for this." Maya replied.

"Oh, I am. And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the..." Maya interrupted her.

"Yeah, it's going to be me." Maya said.

"Yeah, it's going to be you." Riley said same time as Maya. "You know what pretty-boy hipster is handing out invitation to... don't you?" Riley asked Maya.

"A party." Maya told her.

"Membership cards to the popular club." Riley said.

"Why can't you just let it be a party?" Maya asked.

"Because this is it, right here. This where you go one way and I go the other way." Riley explained to her. "You get the invite and you marry pretty-boy hipster and I end up marrying Anthony Delveccio and we buy things in bulk. You're going to be popular. I'm not." She starts to rub Maya's hair. "Maya's going to be marrying me Riley." Remy clarified. "Yes, yes, we all know that Remy, but good girl. Bye-Bye. Pretty-Boy Hipster hands Riley an invitation. "Yay! For me. Maya, I know you didn't get one , but is it okay if I'm really happy?" Riley asked Maya.

"You go get em, tiger." Maya tells her.

Riley does her party girl walk," "I love you but you're a lot of work." Maya tells her before copying her.


Riley and Maya walk into the classroom, where Cory was sitting on his desk waiting for the class to start. Riley headed straight for her Dad's desk and slammed the invitation on it.

'Boom!" Riley shouts.

Cory looks at her in surprise before looking down at the invitation, "You got invited to something?" He asked Riley. 

Riley smiled at him, "So much for genetics, baby."

"Ooh, seventh grade party. Yup, I didn't get invited to a whole lot of these. Good for you. I'm proud of you." He told her before turning to Maya. "Boy-girl Party?" He asked her.

"Yup." Maya told him.

"You can't go." Riley and Cory say at the same time.

"May I approach?" Maya asked.

"Hurry please," they say in unison.

"I'm gonna keep your young'in out of trouble sir." Maya told Cory.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 04 ⏰

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