Chapter 6

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Third person pov

Next morning Remy wakes up, and tries to wake up Maya from her sleep. "Baby, wake up." Remy shakes Maya. "15 more minutes." Maya tell Remy, "Now go back to sleep." "But baby you gotta get up to go to Riley's." Noo." Maya whines. "Come on baby, you'll see me at school." "Fine.'' Maya says getting up. Remy gives her a kiss on the head and gets up to.

They both go to the bathroom and each brush their teeth and wash out their mouth with mouthwash. Then Maya and Remy take a shower separately. When they finish, they put on fresh clothes and get their things before leaving the room. They both go downstairs to get something to eat before they go their separate ways.

When they are finished eating their cereal, they wash up, pick up their bags and leave the house. They both get on the subway to get to the school, but for Maya to get to Riley's. "Are you coming with me to Riley's?" Maya asks Remy. "No, baby. I'm going to my place with the boys to get some work done, then I'll meet you at school." Remy replies. Maya frowns but nods her head ok. Remy seeing her frown, frowns to herself before putting her hand under Maya chin, and bringing her to face her. "Don't worry baby you'll see me when you get to school." Remy tells her.

"I know I'll just miss you." Maya tells her. "I'll miss you to but I'll be back before you know it." Remy tells her. Maya nods but she's still sad, Remy seeing that signs before raising her hands and fiddling with one of her most important necklaces, seeing at how it was her father's before he died. Remy takes it off before clipping it around Maya's neck. Maya gasps seeing it knowing that it was important to her, with how she never takes it off. 

"There, I giving you that so that when I'm not physically with you you'll have a piece of me with you always," Remy tells Maya smiling a bit. "You're gonna make me cry baby." Maya tell Remy sniffling a little. "No, baby, please don't cry I hate it when you cry." Remy coos hugging Maya. "Thank you. I'll always wear it." Maya tells Remy hugging her back. By the time they pulled away from the hug the they reached the Matthews apartment so Remy kissed Maya on her head. "Bye baby." "Bye." Maya replies while leaving, she turns one more time to find Remy looking at her intensely so she waves bye at her and finally leaves.

While Maya is on her way to Riley's apartment Remy still on the subway going towards her place. Out of nowhere Remy's brings out her High tech walkie talkie that she made for her and her guys. "You got your eyes on her." Remy talks into it. "Yup she's going into Riley's apartment right now." One of Remy guys who she appointed to look over Maya said. "Okay stay there until they leave then make sure they get to school safe." Remy tells him. "Okay, over and out." He replies. 

The buss stops and Remy gets off and walks the rest of the way to her place that she has going under construction. Remy reaches and finds all the construction worker there waiting for her command to start. "Okay boys, lets start." Remy tells them while she get a hard hat herself to her with the construction and make sure everything is going smoothly. 


While Remy does that Maya and Farkle enter the Matthews' apartment. "Maya oatmeal." Topanga told Maya.

"No thanks, Mrs. Matthews." Maya told her.

"Oh, I wasn't asking." Topanga said.

"Yeow." Maya said before sitting down at the table with them, leaving Farkle to close the door.

"Farkle, you too." Topanga said.

"Thank you. But my mother already made me eggs, home fries, wheat toast, marmalade and a strawberry shaped like a star." Farkle told Topanga as he walked closer to them.

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