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Wilbur's POV:

I woke up at around 7 am to vomit rushing up my throat.

Vanna is asleep on top of me and it took every ounce of effort from my soul to take her off of me.

I knew the alcohol from last night would make her even heavier of a sleeper.

She stayed fast asleep.

I sprinted to the toilet and vomited. Once it calmed down the ache of my head was so bad that it made me want to throw up again.

I stay sitting on the bathroom floor over the toilet for a while.

Suddenly I feel cold hands rub the back of my neck.

Vanna leans over and kisses my forehead gently.

She kneels and starts massaging my shoulders.

"I feel like shit," I mumble out.

She clicks her tongue and says, "Relax your head".

She starts to massage my scalp and I can feel sleep crawling up my skin.

I don't know why but head rubs are some sort of off switch wired into my body.

My mom used to do it when I was little and it just stuck.

"Don't do that or I'll fall asleep with my head on a toilet", I whisper.

Vanna's POV

Wil fell asleep with his head on the toilet.

I had to run into the other room and laugh.

My stomach had hurt from how hard I laughed at the sight, it was beautifully ridiculous .

I grabbed my phone and walked back in to snap a picture of him.

I vowed that I will frame it.

I lifted his face in my hands and lightly shook his head to wake him up.

He pinched his eyes open and instantly looked embarrassed but extremely lethargic.

"Hey let's go in bed," I whisper. 

I walk him over and lay the covers on his body.

He looked beautiful.

"Don't ever talk about that", he says.

I laugh and kiss his forehead, "you're not ever gonna hear the end of it".

His eyes slowly shut.

I wrote a note saying,

"Hey dear, I have to study for finals, one more day until break!! I might not be able to see you for a bit but once this is over we will do every Christmas activity possible. There's advil and water on your nightstand. Is now a good time to say I told you so for not drinking water last night? Just kidding I'll see you soon star boy. Text me when your up x"

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