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Vanna's POV:

"Your freckles look like the stars".

"Your lips are like space".

I couldn't believe myself for getting to this point.

Laying on the floor of an ice rink with swollen red lips next to some guy named Wilbur. It was awesome.

I've had my share of kissing boys but Wilbur was different. There was meaning there was longing.

And when we finally did kiss, every part of me knew it was right.

I can still picture the sight of his face slowly inching to mine as his eyes close.

"Share me your mind," he says.

I smile. He used my quote.

"You". I say quietly.

"What about me?" He asks knowingly.

"What just happened between you and me."

"And what about what we did?" He asks again.

"I want to do it again". I don't know where this confidence and bravery comes from but I just feel like I can be bold around Wil.

He brings out the best version of me.

"I want to do it again too, but my fingers are purple let's go back to my car".

"Ok yeah let's go." We crawl across the rink to the ground and laugh the whole time.

I let Wilbur drive home and we scream out Christmas songs the whole way home. He speeds down the empty highway and I stick my head out the window with my hair blowing everywhere.

Wil keeps telling me to make sure I don't behead myself.

I respond back saying it would be a hell of a way to die.

We started getting closer and began a game of word association.

"Air planes" he says. "Fuck- I don't"





We started laughing hysterically.

"Today might have been one of the best days of my life," I say.

"You live a very boring life then", Wil responds. I punch his arm and he laughs.

Everything was so perfect. The warmth of the car, knowing Wil was right next to me, the soft Christmas music playing, the gentle lull of the car driving.

I barely notice my eyes starting to close.

Wilbur's POV:

I drive with my eyes on the road, if I look at her too much I'll just distract myself and set myself up for failure.

I can hear her breath which is odd because there's music playing.

I quickly glance over and then look back again.

There's Vanna. Passed out asleep in a ball with her head against the window. I feel my heart dripping with love.

She's the human embodiment of peace. Her eyes delicately shut and her lips just barely parted.

I watch her chest go up and down with each breath, I never knew that knowing someone was breathing could bring you so much joy.

She is the most beautiful creature to walk foot on this planet.

I drive and watch her at every red light, I go as slow as possible.

When I finally pull up to her apartment she still hasn't moved a muscle. I open her door and shake her shoulder.

"Vanna, I'm sorry you have to wake up, Vanna, come on Vanna you have to get inside".

Her eyes barely flutter but I know her minds somewhat awake.

"Wil". I barely hear it but she said my name and I don't know why but it made me love her so much more at that moment.

She reaches over and grabs at my jacket and pulls me to her.

She snuggles her head against my chest, I'm halfway inside my car and halfway out of it.

"Vanna can you get up? Do you need help?"

"Help me," she whispers.

So I pick her up, she's not super tall so I barely struggled to get her in my arms.

Her head is rested in between my neck and shoulder and I can feel her breath on my skin.

I walk up the steps with her in my arms. Her door is unlocked.

I'll have to yell at her later for that.

I get into her apartment and find her bedroom.

I take her jacket and boots off but I'm not going to change her into pajamas, that last thing I ever want to do is make her feel uncomfortable.

I lay her in bed and put the covers on her.

"Wil can you sleep here tonight?" She mumbles out.

"Vanna your head is somewhere else right now, I don't want you to wake up confused. Maybe we can do something this weekend."

I kiss her forehead, and then her cheek, and then the tip of her ear, and then a quick little one on her lips.

She smiled when I did the last one. That little sucker.

"Goodnight Vanna", I whisper.

I turn the lights off and leave her apartment. As I walk to my car I look up at the sky.

I think I like the stars a little bit more now.

Recklessly, Impossibly, Yet Beautifully YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora