We got into his car and once we were sitting and he tucked some hair behind my ear, "Of course."

I smiled and held onto his right hand while he drove. We went through the drive thru and got Reid what he usually likes. He must've been starving, because he swung the door to his house open the second we pulled into the driveway.

He walked over and Aero rolled his window down. He put his hands against the car and leaned forward, making himself visible to me. His black hair was extremely messy, telling me that he had just woken up.

Aero handed him the bag of food and Reid said, "I've got the best brother and best friend ever. Hey, how long is it until that funeral? You guys wanna come inside and hang out for a bit?"

"We can't," Aero replied. "But I did want to know if you'd want to do something when April starts?"

A huge smile formed on Reids face. He nodded his head, "Yea, of course. Maybe we could play some basketball in the backyard like we used to?"

I made a face remembering how bad Reid was at basketball when I watched him the other day.

"Sure," Aero replied with a slight smile.

Reid hit his hand against the side of the car once, "Cool. Text me whenever."

He walked back inside with his bag of food and Aero started to drive back to our apartment. I love that Reid and Aero's relationship has improved so much. 

Once we were back at the apartment I took a quick shower before blowdrying my hair. I had laid my dress out on the bed before I got in the shower, so I knew it was ready to put on. I pulled my hair with my straighter, changing the texture from wavy to straight.

I finished and walked out of the bathroom to put my dress on. My eyes widened seeing Aero, who was dressed in full black. I said, "I didn't expect you to dress for the occasion since you have to be tucked away sniping."

He shrugged, "I'm being respectful."

I put my dress on along with a pair of black heels and looked at myself in the mirror, "Okay. I'm ready."

We started to drive to the funeral and I thought about baking something for Aero tonight. I can't imagine sniping at a funeral being that fun, maybe some chocolate cake could brighten his day.

We pulled into the parking lot and there were barely any cars. He told me we had to get there early, so it didn't surprise me. We got out and entered the building, the amount of decorations taking me by surprise.

"Wow, he must've really loved his dad," I said quietly.

Aero whispered in my ear, "Or he wants other people to think that."

The man of the hour appeared into view, dressed in a suit and tie. He patted his jelled hair as he walked over to us, "Well if it isn't my favourite couple."

"I hope you remember what I said to you," Aero said to Alessandro in a stern voice.

Alessandro nodded, "I do. You will be sniping from the top floor, but make sure to stay out of view. I have a seat for you Hailey where I think that nobody should bother you."

Aero disregarded what Alessandro just said and whispered to me, "If anybody makes you uncomfortable for any reason, come and get me."

I nodded my head and Aero walked away towards the staircase. I followed Alessandro towards a seat near the back and sat down against the wooden seat. He was about to leave when I said, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Aero has told me that Alessandro is now the don, so I'm definitely not here to piss him off. He stopped in his tracks, slowly looking over his shoulder. A small smile formed on his face and he said, "Thank you. I'm sorry for some of our negative encounters."

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