"Should I come with?" Alice offered. "Your mom likes me, so maybe she might not kill you if I explain."

Tristan straightened up. He looked at her gratefully. "That Vincent, " He began, indicating with his index finger. "Is a damn good idea!"

Alice got up and placed her empty cup on the side table. She looked at Tristan. "Ready to face death?"

Tristan offered her his arm. "I shall escort you!"

Alice laughed and looped her arm through his.

"Why Alice darling, I understand!" Said Ela, as she held the door open for Alice and Tristan, whom stood outside the door.

"You do?" Asked Alice, looking at Tristan's mother in disbelief.

As soon as Ela had opened the door, Alice had broken into a flurry of words about how Tristan had taken her to see his workplace and how she felt sick afterwards, making Tristan late.

Ela chuckled. "What do you kids think of me?"

Beside Alice, Tristan whispered, "A principal?" Alice elbowed him. 

Tristan looked at his mother. "So you're telling me you're cool with the fact that I did not show up in time to see the guests whom...," Tristan peeked inside the house. "are gone!" He finished, sounding surprised.

"Well you were taking care of Alice, and that was more important than anything else!" Replied Ela.

Alice's eyes welled up. She reached inside and hugged Ela. "Thank you!" She whispered.

After a moment of surprise, Ela hugged her back. Alice realized in that one moment, how much she actually relied on Tristan's mother. It was as if she were a second mother to her. Ela had done things for her that she couldn't remember her real mother ever doing. 

Alice closed her eyes and breathed in Ela's vanilla perfume.

Tristan stood with his arms crossed. "Do I get a hug?" He asked, looking at them.

"No!" Replied Ela.

Alice broke the hug and laughed. Tristan looked at his mother with an eyebrow raised, waiting. Ela chuckled and opened her arms for him.

Tristan smiled and hugged his mother. As he did, Alice was taken aback by the resemblance between the two of them. They both had blonde hair and a radiant face.

A while later, Ela broke the hug and ushered Alice and Tristan inside. Alice closed her eyes, taking in the smell of stew.

"Your stew smells lovely as usual, Aunt Ela!" Alice remarked.

Ela gave a melodious laugh. "Then I shall call Sophie and tell her you are staying for dinner." She said, disappearing into the kitchen, assumingly to make the call.

"I doubt she cares!" Muttered Alice. She had kept her voice low, but Tristan had heard her. 

He gave her a soft look. "She does, Alice." He said.

"Then why don't I feel so?" She asked.

Tristan looked down. Alice knew that he too had no answer. She looked away from him and began examining his house, for like the millionth time.

Alice always felt more at home at Tristan's place than she ever did in her own house. His whole house was painted in amber, making the house stand out around the block. When Alice had asked Tristan the reason, he had said amber was his father's favourite colour and after he had passed on, Ela had painted the whole house in his memory. It was a little outdone, but yet pretty.

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