I walked toward the back and she kept her eyes on the desk. "You take this class? Like—willingly?" I asked and I saw her nod slightly. I felt a few eyes on me and I glared at them before sitting down next to her.

I noticed Onika was pretty quiet. She played with her fingers—she didn't seem as scared of me before but still uneasy. When the teacher walked in Robyn's prediction was definitely right.

When he walked in the class got quieter. He wore a rainbow poncho, had long locs, I noticed his dangling earrings and I eyed his socks with sandles thing he had going on.

"Welcome Class! To the most creative course you will ever take in your sad, broke, student loan filled lives! Art!" He announced.

Well that's one way to say it.

"Art is one of the best courses to take here. Why? Not only will you explore your creative side but you'll learn about some of the greatest artist in history! Maybe one of you can contribute to that title." He said as he walked around the room.

I swear I saw him and Onika make contact for a second.

"I guess I should introduce myself! I am Micah Maraj. I go by my first name because I believe everyone should be addressed on equal setting." He stated. I'm convinced he's Abel's long lost cousin.

I listened to his rant, he really just introduced what we'd be doing. I raised my hand. "Yes?" He asked.

"That's cool and all Micheal—"

"It's Mr. Micah." He corrected and I ignored him.

"But why are we together like some science lab? I mean unless you plan on forcing abunch of young adults to make meth. No offense—you just seem like you'd do it." I stated and he smiled like he wasn't offended, like he knew something I didn't. he grinned as if this was his que to some life lesson.

"One! I am not doing meth. Never do drugs unless they're fully legal and never smoke with people you don't know kids! I ended up in Hawaii once because of that mistake."He said with one finger up. What kind of professors did this school hire?

"And to answer your question Ms. Knowles.." How the hell did this rainbow edible looking motherfucker know my name?

"I think getting to know someone is the best form of art. Whoever you're sitting next to is actually going to contribute to our first assignment today." He stated. I listened slightly intrigued.

"You'll be doing a quick a pencil sketch of whoever you're sitting next to. Can be as  detailed or as in detailed as you wish. You must introduce yourself and draw at the same time." I immediately wanted to leave.

I sighed as he passed out the papers and pencils. I didn't even know where to start. "To get a better view of the person you can rearrange seats." He said.

I wasn't all that good at drawing. I eyed Onika and she appeared to be getting her own pencils out of her bag. They didn't look like regular ones.

"Alright! Get to talking and sketching!" He demanded. I looked down at my regular one and paper and didn't know what to do. It didn't help that Onika kept her head down most of the time.

"Hey—can you like lift your head for me. Kinda gotta see you to draw you and vise versa." I said sarcastically and she lifted it up slowly.

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