part 19

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The next day

Hayoung was with her grandma neighbours

Old laday 1- your grandma was so nice, *sigh* i miss her...

Old lady 2- aigoo... You became a beautiful laday now, back then you are a cute little girl

Hayoung- you know me

Old lady 3- yes...! Your grandmother and us play with you alot

Hayoung- i must know my brothers too

Old lady 2- of course, they used to sing and even play music for us

Hayoung- really?

Old lady 1- but one day you grandmother died because of ....

Old lady 3 stop her saying it

Hayoung- what! My grandma died because of what?

Old lady 3- a.ah... you know she got hit by car

Hayoung- please, tell me. Is there something i don't know?

Old lady 2- um...we have not a right thing to say this but, your grandma died because of music

Hayoung- what! How can music killed her?

Old lady 3- your brother i think Jin... Right?.

Old lady 2 nodded

Old lady 3-he played with his brothers and grandma. They are so happy until Jin came to the road, he sing while playing guiter and he did not know a car come towards him... Your grandma pushed him but a car hit her instead

Hayoung- really...

Old lady 1- that's the reason they hate music, you mom and dad does not know but from i heard your brothers think they killed her, so they promised not to ever play or listen music

Hayoung was sitting alone at the park

Jungkook saw her

Jungkook- your here, i searching for you

Hayoung- where is Jisoo unni and others

Jungkook- they are at the house. But, why are you look so down

He sit next to her

Hayoung- i was?

Jungkook- yes, was there something bother you?

Hayoung- no

Jungkook- then was it about your crush?

Hayoung- crush?

Jungkook- yup! You said about him that day...when we played truth or truth

Hayoung- *smile* he have a girlfriend, he never look at me

Jungkook- is that so...

Jin and Jisoo

Jin- we already become a couple, why don't we create each other nickname like honey?

Jisoo-*smile* should we


Jisoo- babe?

Jin- no

Jisoo- um... Loves?

Jin- yes, loves

Jisoo- *smile*

Taehyung- i was afraid i become like them

Seungjae(Chorong)- me too...

Taehyung- Ya! Was not you two only dated one day?

Jin- brother,a single person will never understand

Taehyung- being single was not my fault, come Seungjae let's leave them alone

Seungjae(Chorong)- right

They are at garden

Seungjae(Chorong)- today weather really nice

Taehyung- *nod* about Chorong did you see her again?


Taehyung- i wish i met her once again

Chorong- i was here, sitting next to you *she though*

At that moment Myung hee was at her room calling Taehee

(Taehee- hello, who is it)

Myung hee- hello.... I am Chanyeol friend

(Taehee- what? I don't have time)

Myung hee- do you know why Jungkook broke up with you?

(Taehee- you know?!)

Myung hee- yes dear

She told her Hayoung and Jungkook see each other and Hayoung told him to broke up with her

(Taehee- she did!)

Myung hee- we are at busan, if you want you can come

Chanyeol and Rosé

Chanyeol- that boy um...who we saw yesterday night, you and him are not...

Rosé- couple?

Chanyeol- yes

Rosé- you fool!! Of course not he was my friend!

Chanyeol- it's a relieved then

Time skip

At night

Thay all are watching netflix, after a few minutes someone knocking the door

Rosé- i will go

She open it and saw Taehee

Rosé- Taehee?

Taehee- where is Hayoung

She go in

Taehee- HEY! Kang Hayoung!

Hayoung- Taehee...

She slap her

Jin- hey! You!

Taehee- how dare you make Jungkook oppa broke up with me

Hayoung- i did what....!

Taehee pulled Hayoung hair

Hayoung- YA! You!!!!

She also pulled Taehee hair

Jungkook- stop it! Both of you

They can't stop them, they look like a cat fighting

Taehyung- hey hey hey

Seungjae(Chorong)- stop it already!

She tried to stop them but.... Taehee hand make her wigs off

Chorong- my hair...

Jin- you.your a girl

Taehyung- Chorong?

They stop fighting

Hayoung- unni

Chorong- no! *Screaming*

That's all for today

Sorry for short update and comment on my story

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