part 15

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Myung hee tried to sit near Chanyeol but Jin blocked

Jin- opps! This was my seat

He saw Rosé

Jin- oh~ Rosé sit here

Rosé- i'm okay

Jin- i said sit*he make her sit*

They sit in circles

Chanyeol- what game will we play

Jisoo- likes and dislikes

Jin- how to play?

Jisoo- i play alot with my friends, how well do we know each other. Give me pen and paper

Hayoung gave her, Jisoo gave everyone pen and paper each

Seungjae(Chorong)- then?

Jisoo- write um... 3 things you like and dislikes and fold it

Rosé- what did i like or dislike*she though*

Jungkook- he he just write whatever i want*he though*

Taehyung- 🧐 what did others write*he though*

He tried to look what Chorong writing

Seungjae(Chorong)- hey,don't look

Jisoo collect all the papers and shuffle it

Jisoo- pick one each and read, we will risk who wrote it

Jungkook- i pick mine

Hayoung- shuffle again unni

Jisoo shuffle again and they pick one each

Seungjae(Chorong)- i will read first, like my face,my body and super mario and dislikes are bugs, oysters and a type of a girl who cheat on.on their boyfriend....

Jin-*fake cough and looking at Myung hee*

Seungjae(Chorong)- risk who wrote it

Jisoo- Jin?

Jin- correct!

Taehyung- hyung.hyung

Jin- what

Taehyung- Myung hee, Myung hee

Jin- *shock*

She glared at her

Jin- i will say now, likes things make with Flour, playing games and soccer. Dislikes losing, being called oppa and bugs

Hayoung- um~ who must it be

Jungkook-*shock* you don't know?

Hayoung- huh? Do you know?

Jungkook- *angry*

Rosé- i don't know...who must...

Taehyung- ya! Jeon Jungkook. Right?

Jungkook- yes, your my hope hyung

They both high five

Jungkook- i will read now, like chicken feet, dogs, pink colour. Dislikes insects, snake and Taehyung? Who was it?

Taehyung- who dislikes me???

Jungkook- here, because your way too annoying *he showed him paper*

Rosé- Seungjae oppa?

Seungjae(Chorong)- correct!

Hayoung- no! I don't get any point

Jisoo- you will soon

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