part 6

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While Rosé and Chanyeol

Rosé- where are we going?

Chanyeol- don't know, wanna watch some movies

Rosé- what movies?

Chanyeol- black widow? Venom? A....

Rosé- Tangled

Chanyeol- tangled are you sure?

Rose- it was my favourite disney movie

Chanyeol- if you want

Rosé- let's go home, i want to wach on my tv


At Rosé house

Rosé- want to eat popcorn?

Chanyeol- you have it?

Rosé- yes, but i have to make wait me a little bit

Chanyeol- let me make it, you go watch

Rosé- but do you know how?

Chanyeol- yes,of course.go go wacht, it will not take long

Rosé just let him

Chanyeol- Kang Chanyeol are you insane.argh! It was easy i have to heat the oil...where is pan*search* here and....add popcorn! So easy

But he did not cover the pan and start popping

Chanyeol- what happen! Was it have to like this*popping popping*

Chanyeol- some one help! popcorn trying to attack me

Rosé- hey! What happened? Put on the lit? *She cover the lit as fast as she can*

Chanyeol- a.....sor....ry

Rosé- are you okay?

Chanyeol- but,look popcorn is everywhere

Rosé- i will clean up

Chanyeol- i will help


After a while

Rosé- you don't know how to make popcorn? It was so funny when you say 'popcorn trying to attack me!'😄

Chanyeol- i kn.know how to make, hey don't smile

Rosé- it was just so funny

Chanyeol- *her smile, what happen to me why my heart skip*

When dinner time Ms kang invite Rosé,Chorong,Jisoo and Jungkook for dinner again. Also Ms kang told them to always eat dinner here. After they finished Ms kang told Kang brothers and Jungkook to visit Rosé house because they need to get along

But things are so awkward

Taehyung- try to talk too, mom told us to be friends

Seungjae(Chorong)- what should we do?

Jungkook-  truth or lie,let spin bottle

Rosé- oh! I also have lie ditector let me take it

Jin- you have it at home?

Rosé- yes.... We used to play alot back in Australia

Hayoung- let me spin first

Jungkook- your the youngest i will spin first

Hayoung- no me first

Chanyeol&Jin- fight!fight!

Jisoo- don't fight,decide on rock,paper scissor

Jungkook- fine

Hayoung&Jungkook- rock,paper scissor

Hayoung do rock while Jungkook was paper

Jungkook- yay! I win here i spin......

Point at Hayoung

Jungkook- since you are like my sister um...let me know is there someone in your heart*please say please say*


Jin- you have? who is it?

Chanyeol- tell me, i will beat him up

Taehyung- do we know him?

Hayoung- *of couse you know idiot*

Seungjae(Chorong)- was it me?

Jungkook-*why would be you*

Jisoo- you can't be

Jin- why? Why? Why he can't?

Jisoo-*rolled her eyes*

Hayoung- it...was a secret. Okay let move on, i will spin

Point at Chorong

Hayoung- did you ever kiss others

Seungjae(Chorong)- yes! Arh!


Taehyung- ha!ha! He never kiss someone

Rosé- so i can be first

Chanyeol- why would you if you dare

Rosé- you are not my boss

Hayoung- someone burning inside

Chanyeol- no i'm not

Hayoung- did i say you

Jin- now my turn*please be Jisoo please please yes!*

*Point at Jisoo*

Jin- do you belive in second chance?

Jisoo- huh?

Hayoung- that's not fair

Chanyeol- it include any question she just need to say yes or no

Jisoo-*what should i say i belive but...just say yes it not like it was for him* Yes


Taehyung- oh....thats fun now my turn*spinning*

Point at Rosé

Chanyeol- *murmuring to Taehyung ear* ask her if she still like me

Rosé-*what must be his saying*

Taehyung- ha! Ask her yourself are you Chaeyoung right

Rosé-*This Kang Taehyung what should i say* No!


Taehyung- a...i'm right

Rosé- fine! Yes yes it was me Chaeyoung

Taehyung- give me my 100 dollars

Rosé- ha! You are the one who told me if i help you in games

Taehyung- was i *remember* i will excuse you

Rosé- you remember? Hey Kang Taehyung give me back

That's all sorry for short update please vote and comment

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