Christmas special

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SeroMina special:

Sero and  Mina were dating, they had been dating for 5 years, and this Christmas was like no other, their house was adorned in decorations. But one room was left untouched, a room with No furniture or decorations, an empty room.

Nobody ever went in that room, Mina forbid it. This is the tale of SeroMina: A Christmas like no other.

"We wish you a merry Christmas ,we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year~" Echoed throughout the halls of the happy couples house, it was December 18th, or as Mina called it. Decoration Day; a day devoted to decorating their house and positive energy. This Christmas needed to be more positive the end the last because due to a recent doctors appointment the couple learnt some pretty upsetting news: Mina couldn't carry a child - get pregnant. This broke the young couples heart, all they ever wanted was a family and they couldn't even have that.

The couple had graduated UA 3 years back, and became pro heroes with their friends. Although they didn't get as high as they wanted in the ranks, #7 and #10 ,  even Uraraka beat them by placing no. 5 so they set a new goal, family. And once again the gods had it out for them by denying this one request. Mina normally bounced around the house on this day however today she dragged her feet across the wooden floors of the cottage like house they lived in. The lively Mina Ashido everyone knew and loved now a shell of her old self.

She barely even commented on the Christmas present mountain underneath the Christmas tree, she knew what the gifts were, pity gifts. A way of telling her they pity her and want to make her feel better. That failed it made her feel worse, 'they should be spending their money on buying presents for their families  not my sorry ass' she may not have wanted others pity but she sulked in her own. Sero was at a loss, he'd never seen his fiance like this she was depressed. He had to do something , but what was that something?

They days had began to fade into a blur for Mina due to her consistent routine; Wake up, get ready , eat, sulk, eat, sleep. If that wasn't concerning enough she had started ignoring Sero, in her eyes she had failed him and talking to him would only make it worse. But one day when she finally got a hold of herself she went to the only people she knew could make her feel better, her friends, they all met up at a cafè but what Mina saw only sent her back into her downward spiral. Momo and jiro walked in hand in hand, only in one arm Momo was holding a baby.

"Sorry guys, Shoto got called for hero work and I couldn't leave this little guy alone" the girls instantly surrounded Momo about the baby, Mina just sat there in shock. When everyone stopped suffocating the couple and baby Jiro and Momo began explaining. "Shoto was in rut and it sent me into heat, one thing led to another and the condom broke. Giving me this little guy in return. It sucks being an beta sometimes, if I was an Omega it would've only took me four months before this guy was born but since I'm a beta it took 12 months because of Shoto being an Alpha" Mina broke down after this, 'she didn't even want a child yet the Gods gave her one, how is that fair!? 'Her friends all comforted her while The pink skinned girl vented all her problems and doubts to them.

Momo had never felt so bad, she had known of her friends problem since the moment she found out, it just slipped her mind " if it makes you feel better, I kinda had the hots for deku-kun at the start of the year but then I realized I just had a thing for green hair and I was in fact lesbian. " Uraraka confessed, all the girls had a good laugh at that one and Tsuyu took mental notes to keep her away from any other green haired girls.

"I actually made out with Todoroki once, we wanted to know if we had feelings for each other, we didn't but we still make out sometimes" Jiro confessed, blushing in embarrassment "why wasn't I invited? " Momo pouted. "Well in that case" Hagakure said getting close to jiro"its not lesbian to kiss the besties " she said then kissed jiro. This continued for 5 minutes before Momo dragged hagakure off.  "No strings attached" she said sitting back down. Over the years hagakure mastered her quirk and can now become visible if she wants.

"Damn Toru, you have no chill" Tsuyu giggled, "my turn to confess, I used to sneak into the boys showers naked to see if they were packing or not. I also fucked myself on Ojiro's dick when he was asleep, don't worry we talked about it in advance. I just didn't tell him when I was gonna do it. " the girls looked at their friend in shock " You nasty mf" Mina laughed, for the first time in ages

"Damn Toru, get that dick I guess" Jiro cheered. The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter and secrets and somehow knowing that she wasn't the only one with secrets or worries made Mina feel a lot better.

- Christmas day-

Mina was currently in the bathroom, tears running down her face and hand shaking, she needed to tell someone about it. She will tell someone, in fact she'll tell everyone at dinner.

She grabbed her dress and started getting ready, she wasn't wearing anything special just a Santa themed red dress

Mina went down stairs and started cooking for her dinner guests, Dekukami, Kiribaku, Todo-Momo-Jiro, Tsuraka, Hagakure+Ojiro, Erasuremic+ family, iida

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Mina went down stairs and started cooking for her dinner guests, Dekukami, Kiribaku, Todo-Momo-Jiro, Tsuraka, Hagakure+Ojiro, Erasuremic+ family, iida.

She made vegetarian meals, meat meals all sorts of  foods, she had Japanese style, American style, english style she really out done herself. She cleaned and put a present on each seat, with gold font letters spelling a name. Sero walked down

Mina glared at him, " what the fuck are you wearing! Your insulting my outfit"Sero had no clue what she was on about but took the hint she hated the suit he chose"sorry? " Mina just looked away and Continued her dinner set up

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Mina glared at him, " what the fuck are you wearing! Your insulting my outfit"Sero had no clue what she was on about but took the hint she hated the suit he chose"sorry? " Mina just looked away and Continued her dinner set up.

- 1 hour later -

Everyone had arrived and they were eating dinner, the night had gone well do far and everyone was thankful, embarrassing stories flew out people's mouths, Angry growling and snarling from a few jealous boys, and overall the 1A chaos. Maybe that had graduated but the will never grow out of being the 1A family they are.

"Guys I have an announcement" Mina said standing up, everyone fell silent, Mina held up a pregnancy test and smiled"I'm pregnant"

The end

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