Chapter 6

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Uh, something that came to mind. Just thought I should say that this happened after Day of the Departed. Cause I, the writer, got confused while writing chapter 7, and thought Cole was a ghost, so there was a ghost baby.😅 No he's human. Just clarification. In case.

Jay woke up the next morning by Nya opening the door and flopping on the bed, laying in Jay's feet. "Hey Jay! Wanna hang out today?"

Jay sat up, stretching and scratching his head. "You know I would love, but I've gotta go work at the auto shop."

Nya glared at him while laying down. "Can't you take the day off? I thought you didn't work there officially."

Jay thought quick on his feet. "I had actually applied a few days ago. And they asked me to come in today. I really am sorry love."

Nya stood up and gave a humph. "Fine then. Come get breakfast before you leave."

Jay jumped out of bed and hurried to get on proper clothes after she walked out. He had to act like the caring boyfriend. "Nya!" He called as he went down the stairs.

He grabbed her by the waist from behind. "Hey, are you mad at me?" Nya said nothing and avoided eye contact. "Hey, I really am sorry love. I don't have a changeable schedule like you do. But if you tell me what days to avoid in advance."

Nya broke out of his arms and continued downstairs, not speaking a word. Jay walked after her talking to her, trying to get Nya to answer.

They got to the dining room where everyone else sat eating. "Come on. Don't be mad. What's the problem?"

Nya turned around, fists at her sides. "You never spend time with me! You could take time off and at least try in this relationship!"

Jay scowled and shouted. "Are you kidding me? I just spent all day with you yesterday! And you don't think me spending all my money on you is proof that I love you? I can't keep doing that if I don't go work and keep a job!"

"Well just hanging out is enough for me! Not spending time with me is just selfish!"

"You know what! Fine! I'm leaving early! I'll see ya'll later!" Jay stormed off to the stairs. This is perfect!

Lloyd listened and heard as Jay slammed the door. Nya stormed back upstairs. Lloyd turned to Kai. "Only two days, and they're already fighting."

Cole looked up at him with curious eyes. Lloyd smiled at the child.

"Well I can't say I expected it to actually last long." Kai said, shoving another spoon of cereal in his mouth.

"Now what makes you say that?" Lloyd asked, putting some dry 'Wheat O's' in Cole's mouth.

Kai sighed, setting down his spoon and lay his head on his hand. "Something that I noticed while my memories were gone, was that Jay was much more distant from the rest of us. Them hopping into a relationship like this without working on their original problems first."

Lloyd looked at his boyfriend. "I suppose that does make sense. I also think it's kinda shallow. Getting with Jay while Cole is small. I understand what their arrangement was to an extent, but why not wait another month or so?"

Kai shrugged. "Who knows. Though I will admit, my sister does plenty of things without thinking, or talking about it with others."

"Should we bring it up? I don't like the idea of them arguing constantly." Lloyd said.

Cole flapped his arms and Lloyd put him down. The toddler crawled under the table. "Maybe if it gets worse. But we should wait for them to try and figure it out by themselves. If we try to help, it may not solve much."

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