Chapter 7

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Two weeks later

Jay sat in his room, staring at the playing toddler on his floor. Once again, Cole had been dumped on him. But he had no reason or excuse to not watch him.

Jay had been lucky. After the 'fight' he had with Nya, she'd practically avoided him. Of course he pretended to care, but she still acted mad.

He tinkered with some parts over the carpet, still watching the child. Small or no, Jay didn't trust him in the room unsupervised.

Jay thought to himself. He had to put his next plan into action. He'd waited long enough. Way too long in Logan's opinion. Jay was inclined to agree a bit. Just turning Cole into a baby wasn't enough.

He had met up with Logan the last Friday, to go over the plan. It was supposed to happen in about four to five days. It had been multiple weeks of searching for the anti-tea, but nothing had ever come up. But everyone wanted to take as small of a time to get the plan in motion, as it could be found at any point in time.

Jay's thoughts turned to Jen. He wondered how her and her brothers were doing. He had snuck them to Ninjago City almost two nights after Jay showed her around. All had taken as little items as possible.

Jen knew exactly what Jay was up to, and what kind of life he was leading secretly, and wanted to live freely. He had been lucky to know that she didn't judge him for it. She understood his reasons, and kept her thoughts to herself about how she felt of his shenanigans.

He gave her a ride to the shop and back, regardless of if he decided to work or not. She was happier now, and he was glad to have helped her get out of the situation she was in. Seeing her feel better made him feel a bit better himself.

Jay was glad that Jen didn't work today, cause the child made it kind of hard to fly a dragon both ways.

The bright side of the fact that his friend lived at the hideout, sometimes Addison walked with Jen to the meeting point. That meant that he got to see her more often, in a way that it wouldn't jeopardize his stance within the ninja team.

His thoughts were torn away from him, as baby Cole let out a scream. He looked at Jay, and tossed the metal toy truck at the blue ninja's face. Hard. He ended up  with it hitting the right side of his face. One of the tires got him in the eye.

"OW! DID YOU REALLY USE YOUR SUPER STRENGTH TO HIT ME IN THE FACE! YOU BRAT!" Jay shouted. He tried to calm himself down as Cole actually giggled at his outburst.

Lloyd had mentioned that Cole knew exactly what he was doing, and what was going on. Was this way of saying 'screw you' without retaliation?

The door to his room opened an Sensei Wu entered. "What's going on?"

Jay held his eye. It hurt. Wasn't even a sting. If Cole had been regular sized, Jay was sure just the small truck could've made him unconscious, or decapitated.  Depends on how Cole would've felt towards him at the time.

"He threw a freaking toy truck at me. Got me in the eye. And used his super strength." Jay frowned at the child, who just giggled.

"Ah. Do you need an ice pack?" Wu asked.

Jay shook his head. He probably should. It was most definitely going to bruise, but he didn't care. "Nope. I'm fine. Just have to resist the urge to toss him out the window."

"Careful, you don't want to have any more problems with the others, my pupil. You want to do it properly right?" Wu went to leave, and started closing the door.

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