You quickly texted Osana and ran over to the amusement park. You made it and saw Midori waiting outside. She quickly noticed you and began to wave like a happy child. "HI, Y/N-CHAN YOU'RE THE FIRST TO SHOW UP!" Midori yelled happily. "I think it maybe because you called me first" you laughed.
"I invited Osana by the way, since Kokona won't be coming" you told Midori who didn't really seem to care because she was now texting on her phone. "Sounds good".

Once everyone showed up, you all payed your tickets and went past the gate. "Okay first, let's go to the food court!" Saki suggested. "We eat now, we'll puke later on the rides" Kuu blankly responded.
"Guys let's ride the roller coaster!" Midori yelled out happily. You looked at her and shouted "hell yes!". " roller coaster sounds fun" Mai happily chirped.

You felt sick to your stomach. Midori was hovering over the trash, puking her brains out. Mai and Osana were laughing like a couple of jackasses and Saki walked off to get a pretzel with Kuu. "Okay.. Okay I think I'm good" you said after spending about 2 minutes of calmly breathing.
"BLAAHHHHH" You once again heard Midori. "Geez I should've brought Senpai- I mean! Taro" Osana blushed. "Pffftttt" you tried not to laugh at your friend. Mai looked at Osana and smiled sweetly. "You and Taro are very cute together, I hope you two one day can be together in a romantic relationship" Mai giggled, Osana blushed and shouted "HE-HE'S JUST MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND! I-It's not like I like him or anything...b-baka!".
"OH MY GOD, OSANA, YOU'RE THE EMBODIMENT OF A TSUNDERE!!" You yelled in laughter. "Sh-Shut up!".

You, Midori, Mai, Osana, and Saki headed to the Ferriswheel. You were in the back of the line getting into the cart when the worker stopped you. "Only 4 to a cart" the man said and he urged you back. Midori looked at you shocked and saddened. Their cart went up and the next arrived. "You can go in" the worker said. You frowned and went to walk away but you turned around to immediately see Umeji behind you. You felt nervous and got on. He went in after you and told the worker that it will just be the two of you.
You felt better knowing you wouldn't be stuck in the cart with strangers but Umeji wasn't much better. You tried to fix things with him but you were still unsure. You noticed the bruise on his face was healing and not as noticeable as it was yesterday. He sat down and faced you. The card moved and you both just say there quietly.

"I hope you weren't stalking me.. That you knew I was coming here." you muttered shyly to him. "I'm only here because my dad is working one of the rides, honestly, us being in the line together was a coincidence but I did notice you." Umeji calmly explained. "I did however, want to talk to you." Umeji continued. You noticed his cheeks were tinted pink and he wouldn't make eye contact.

"Talk about what?" You asked curiously.
Umeji remained silent for what felt like hours but only lasted about a minute. He looked at you, still trying to find the words. He looked like he wanted to speak his mind but didn't know how to say it without sounding cringe. You knew that face well.
"I... I-uhm.. Hm.." Umeji struggled. "You said.. That you wanted to start over! And.. Grr." Umeji seemed to get annoyed with himself. His face started getting red and he looked frustrated. "I want us to.. Be friends.. I guess." Umeji said, he seemed unsure of himself. You were baffled. Unsure of what to say. "So-So.. We good?" You asked. "Yeah.. Whatever." Umeji mumbled.

The ride continued in silence. It felt like forever. Perhaps it was. Or maybe it was only a few minutes. The ice was suffocating. You had to say something. "S-So.. Tell me.. Why you're.. Like this." You started. Umeji looked at you but remained silent.

"Our school isn't a good place for the weak. Everyone is bullied unless they ARE bullys" Umeji started. His expression turned angry which caused you to feel nervous but even more curious. Thoughts crossed your mind as to what could have happened to Umeji and his friends to make them this way. "Horrible things happened to those who were weak. Constant bullying, harassment, assault. The people at our school are cruel, Y/n. So those weaklings, stopped being weak" Umeji explained. "The weaklings... Are you talking about you?" You asked. Umeji remained silent and looked away. "The school wouldn't do anything about the bullying. One day we saw Osoro" Umeji started once more. You eyes lit up hearing her name.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon