He asked me, "Want me to kick his ass?"

I laughed. I shook my head, "No, I don't want you to kick anyone's ass. Including my dads, who also was a huge asshole. Hey, speaking of my dad, why did you hit him?"

He quietly said, "He was talking badly about you."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I didn't want to have to repeat the things he said."

That didn't surprise me at all. My dad clearly loves insulting me. The worker came back with the check and despite my several attempts to try and convince Aero to let me pay, he never listened. He paid and we went outside, but he started walking in the opposite direction of his car.

I jogged to catch up to him and said, "Hey, cars the other way."

"I have something to pick up first that's this way," he shrugged.

We walked down the sidewalk until we arrived at a store with glass windows and mannequins wearing beautiful dresses in it. He entered and I followed, confused as to why he would be picking up a dress. Oh, if there's another girl she is so dead. So dead you should write it in capital letters. 

A girl who was working there rushed over to us as soon as we entered, "Mr. Black! We have the three dresses you requested ready for you. Is this who will be wearing them?"

Aero replied, "Yes it is."

I am?

"Perfect! Come with me dear," she said in a cheerful tone to me, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me into a changing room.

I stood, feeling confused as hell. I told her, "I don't understand-"

"You are so lucky to have a man with such good taste. Usually, when men come in here to shop for a woman they always pick the ugliest clothes. But Mr. Black has picked out 3 of my favourite dresses," she said to me, hanging 3 black dresses up on the rack.

I still felt confused. She turned on her heels and said over her shoulder before leaving the changing room, "Just let me know if you need anything!"

She shut the door and I turned to look at the 3 dresses that were hanging. They were beautiful, looking elegant and expensive. Still unsure of why Aero brought me here, I changed into the first dress.

I took a step out of the changing room once I had the dress on. Aero sat on a chair across from the changing room, his head moving up to look at me. I walked over to him and asked, "What are we doing here?"

"Well, since I'm forcing you to go to a funeral tomorrow, I thought that the least I could do is buy you a dress for it," he says while leaning back in the chair. 

I smiled down at him for a second before turning to look at myself in the mirror. I scanned my body up and down, a disappointed look forming on my face. I turned to him and said, "I don't think I like this one...Maybe if I was skinner I could do it justice." 

He stood up quickly and grabbed my face before pressing his lips against mine, his tongue entering my mouth and allowing for me to taste the mint from the gum he had been chewing. When he pulled away I asked him, "What was that for?"

"Every time you say something negative about yourself I will put my tongue down your throat to stop you."

I felt my cheeks grow hot and I had to look away for a second. He sat back down in the chair and I entered the changing room again to try on the next dress.

This one was a little bit longer, and I felt more comfortable in it. I walked out, a smile forming on his face. He said, "Now do a spin."

I did a single spin while laughing, knowing that I like this dress more than the last. He said through a smile, "Beautiful."

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