┊͙Together In Christmas🎄 [Skit]

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Just a short skit for the last chapter for this book. Oh and thank you so much for 76k+ readers!

Now let's get onto the skit.


"Hell yeah! Presents!!"

It was the night of 25th December, it was Christmas, the family of four walked downstairs. There was a Christmas tree that Sarv and Ruv had set up, with the help of Rasazy and Selever to also hang some Ornaments.

Selever already grabbed one of his presents under the tree, "Excited much, Selever?" Sarv sat beside Selever. "Of course Mom! It's Christmas," Selever smiled at his Mom.

Rasazy already opened one of the presents, she had gotten a new book from Selever. Rasazy smiled at the gift her big brother gave, even though he's annoying. Ruv grabbed one of the presents, he then gave it to his Wife. "For me?" Sarv asked her Lover, "Of course.."

Sarv took the present that Ruv gave, "Thank you!" "No problem."

Selever was now annoying his little sister. "So... Do you like the present I gave you?? Come on, read it! I know you want to read it Ras." "Stop annoying me, or I will kick you on the nuts again." Selever immediately went quiet.


The four was now outside, they were playing with the snow. The atmosphere was obviously cold so Sarv was shivering.

"You okay, love?" Ruv asked Sarv, "J- just.. cold.." Sarv hugged Ruv, trying her best to get warm. "Let me help." Ruv kissed Sarv in the lips, making Sarv blush and warm up. Ruv pulled away from the kiss, looking at the flustered Devil. "Did that help?" "Ruv!!" "What?? I know it helped. You just get so flustered easily."

"Well y- yes it did help. But quit with the sudden kisses!" Sarv shouted, embarrassed. Ruv went closer to Sarv's face, he was just teasing her. "Mommm!! Dad!! Stop flirting! Come on, let's enjoy the snow!!" Selever shouted from the distance. Rasazy threw a snow ball at Selever to shut him up.

"Come on, Sarv. Selever is waiting for us." Ruv stood up first, he faced Sarv and lend her a hand. Obviously Sarv accepted Ruv's help. The Devil then just dragged the Criminal to the kids.

"Sooooo... What do you guys want to do?" Sarv asked her kids, "Snow ball fight!!" Selever and Rasazy synced in shouting. "Alright, 2v2?" Sarv spoke. "Yup!" Selever answered.

Selever and Rasazy ran away a few feet, the four started piling up some snow balls to throw at eachother.


(I'm skipping the snowball fight, I'm sorry because I don't have any ideas)

All four of them got tired from all the snowball fight they've done, they were also covered mostly in snow.

They were just resting in the cold atmosphere, yet Selever was rolling some snow into a large snowball(s) to make a base of a snowman. Rasazy was rather bored so she decided to help her brother make a ton of snowman if they want to.

Ruv and Sarv was sitting down on the cold field, still resting from the snowball fight. "The kids are having lots of fun, that's good." Sarv huffed, "At least they're also getting along time by time." Ruv spoke whilst grabbing a handful of snow and shaping it as a heart.

- - / - -

"We don't have anything to give the snowman a nose." Rasazy softly spoke as she sticks a rock into the snowman's chest. Selever hummed, looking around to find anything that could be used as the snowman's nose.

Selever decided to walk towards their parents. "Mom, is there anything useful for the snowman to have a nose?" The eldest child pointed at the distance that had a figure of the youngest child and the snowman.


After the two kids finished making their snowman they decided to murder it afterwards, Selever grinned menacingly while stomping on the snowman with one foot (You wish that was you huh? /hj).

Sarv and Ruv just watched Selever and Rasazy stomp on their own creation murderously.


Eh I tried with this chapter, I want to make it longer but I didn't had any ideas on what to add here. My apologies for that, but I hope you readers enjoyed this chapter and book!

Please don't mind the grammar errors and misspellings. This was slightly rushed since I want to enjoy Christmas break,

It was a fun journey in this book while it lasted.

Anyways, goodbye everyone! Stay safe, and merry Christmas.

Anyways, goodbye everyone! Stay safe, and merry Christmas

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