┊͙Sleepy Ruv 🌹(XVII)

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(warning: fluff :))


,Third Person POV,


It has been a few minutes and Sarv already drank all the coffee in her mug, Ruv was behind her still hugging Sarv.

Ruv was really tired for unknown reasons but Sarv thought it was cute to see Ruv so tired at this state. Sarv can hear Ruv snoring on her shoulder.

Sarv didn't want to wake Ruv up, but she had to move to the couch. If not her legs will get tired from standing for minutes or more. Well, Sarv has the strength to carry Ruv so she carefully picked Ruv up, at this point Ruv is having a piggy back ride on Sarv.

Sarv tried not to trip or make noises as she walks towards the couch. Sarv sighed as she reached the couch, she carefully let go of Ruv as she placed Ruv on the couch lying down, Sarv carefully sat on the couch letting Ruv's head lay on Sarv's lap.

The Neapolitan girl was smiling as she stared at the High Runaway Criminal. Sarv brushed Ruv's hair with her own fingers, she never expected Ruv's hair being this quite smooth.


A few minutes has been passed, Ruv was still asleep and Sarv was watching TV as she continue to brush her friend's hair. Sarv was very comfortable doing this to Ruv, well maybe only when he's asleep. Who knows?

Sarv yawned and looked at Ruv once again, "Why do you have to be so adorable when you're asleep Ruv?" Sarv spoke to herself.

"...Adorable?.." Ruv was half awake when Sarv said that.

"Ah, you're awake now Ruv." Sarv chuckled, "..No.. Let me sleep still."


Sarv's smiled wiped away and sighed. "You're very tired today."

Sarv only heard Ruv mumble, she took that as a response. Sarv continued to brush Ruv's hair and also continued to watch TV at the same time.


It has been an hour and Sarv was now asleep while Ruv was most likely to be waking up in any second.

Ruv opened his eyes seeing Sarv asleep, he yawned and realized his head was on Sarv's lap making him blush slightly.

Ruv quickly sat up and cleared his throat as he looked at the sleeping Neapolitan girl. At this point Ruv was still tired and wanted to sleep again but he wants to watch over Sarv for now.

Every minute Ruv yawned as he stared at Sarv, trying not to be creepy or anything. Ruv really wanted to hug Sarv, but he might just scare her if she wakes up.


Ruv wasn't on the couch anymore, he was in the kitchen doing nothing but drinking water. Sarv was awake and Ruv doesn't know that she's awake yet.

Sarv just layed at the couch staring at the ceiling, until she heard yawning. Sarv sat up seeing Ruv still very tired, "Come on now criminal, get some more rest." Sarv chuckled.

Ruv sat beside Sarv, hugging. Ruv yawned once again when he closed his eyes.


,???'s POV,


I see they're getting along. Me and ___ will be seeing you guys in person, soon..

I hope you both know two people are watching you..

Mom and Dad..


Holy Sheesh idk what to add now, but for now have this fluff chapter thing weird, IDK-

Btw sorry for making the chapter short, I was kinda in a rush making this!

(Idk what top pic to add also)

(Credits to Dokki for the picture!)


┊͙Our Little Promise┊͙Ruv x SarvWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu