┊͙Singing 🌹(XIX)

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,Ruvyzvat's POV,


I was on the couch with Sarv, she was hugging me while we watched TV. She was most likely be smooching my face.

Kinda disgusting but it felt great?-


I actually woke up from Sarv who sounded like she dropped something, ugh.. It's another dream. I stood up and went to the room where the dropping noise was.

"..Sarv?" I spoked in a tired voice as I rubbed one of my eye.

"Oh! Ruv, you're finally awake! You've been asleep for two hours." ...Two?.. Two hours?! WHAT. "..The way you look seems like you're shocked. You were tired for no reason, and I let you sleep."

I nodded, "Alright." I walked out of the room and went dashing towards the kitchen. What to eat.. hm..


I finally finished eating, I wanna do something but what? I'm gonna go ask Sarv on what she wants to do.

I think she's upstairs? I ran to the stairs and to the room. "Sarv?" Yep she's here, "Yes Ruv?"

I yawned "I'm bored, do you have anything in mind?"

Sarv Hummed "We can practice the song that I made for you!" I nodded, "Alright. So, where are we practicing?" I asked.

Once again Sarv hummed, and she started to drag me out of the room and I just kept quiet.


We were both out of the house, Sarv wasn't wearing her Nun outfit for a reason? I don't fucking know. "So.. Where are we going?"

"To the Church! We're gonna practice there!" What?.. "Why are we gonna practice there?"

"Since there's microphones there, obviously." I had nothing else to say so I remained silent.

Walking, walking, walking walking and kept-"Ack-" I groaned "..Oh, sorry Ruv"


We're finally here, I let out a deep breath as I looked at Sarv who was staring at me. It's kinda cute-Okay not now Ruv, not now.

I shook my head and walked away with Sarv syncing my walk as we entered the Church. Noone was actually there, only the two of us.

Okay that sounds like I'm gonna confess again, I need to stop these nonsense. I slightly pulled both of the ear flaps on my ushanka as we kept walking.

"..You alright?" I heard Sarv spoke in a soft voice.

"Yes, I'm fine Sarv." I answered, we both got to the microphones and positioned myself where Sarv wanted me to be. "You copy the words I say, alright?" Sarv spoke as she looked at the papers.



,Third Person POV,


It has been a few minutes and they we're still in the start, Ruv was having troubles saying the words but he kept continuing singing even tho he couldn't pronounce some of the words properly.

As Sarv sang the fast part, Ruv realized his mic was off so he turned it. Eventually when it was his turn to sing the fast part, it went loud.

Sarv covered her ears. Finally Ruv finished singing his part, when he looked Sarv. He quickly ran towards her "H-hey, what's wrong?-" Ruv kneeled down towards her.

"Did you turned on your mic?.." Ruv cleared his throat and slightly nodded.

Sarv removed her palms off her ears "I see.. that's why it became loud." She stared at Ruv for a few minutes.

"Come on now, let's continue singing. Don't forget to turn off your mic Ruv!" Sarv pouted. Ruv stood up and walked towards back to his spot "Yes ma'am." He said sarcastically.


"Even Dad turned on his mic, it still reached into the void which made me dizzy.." "Come on, it's not that bad ___!"


I'm very very sorry for not posting the past 3 days! I was busy painting, I hope you understand!

I'm very sorry for the short chapter too.

(Btw in RHS someone said Sarv and Ruv were siblings-)

(Credits to Dokki for the picture!)


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