┊͙Reunited? 🌹(V)

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As days, weeks, months, and years Ruv and Sarv hasn't seen eachother since.

As Ruv grew older he started to murder people that attempted to bring justice. Ruv's life was revolving in a bloodshed one, it did not matter to him who he killed.

On countless times Ruv got chased by Polices, and him becoming a high runaway criminal he couldn't remember about his friend, Sarv.

As Sarv grew older she got rejected by heaven and hell, she then decided to be a "nun", people was giving her trusts as they think she's a real nun.

Sarv attended masses in the pink church that she met the other nuns since she was little, she tried everything to be accept in heaven. And she even forgot about her very first friend, Ruv.


,Third Person POV,


Sarv was walking around the church while she greets other nuns as she walks by them, she went in the garden to rest there from all the walking and stuff she did.

As Sarv was resting she heard a rustle somewhere, she quietly stood up and went over to the spot where the sound came from.

Sarv peeked over the bush to see the animal..Or human. The person quickly jumped on Sarv revealing who they was.

But the person didn't do anything to Sarv, "...You.. look oddly familiar." The person got off Sarv. "H-huh?.. What do you mean?".

The person stood up and helped Sarv to stand up, "Nevermind about that. The name's Ruvzyvat, Ruv for short.".

"Aren't you going to hurt me?" Ruv looked Sarv deeply in her eyes, "You remind me of someone, so I'll be sparing you.".

Sarv nodded nervously, she looked at Ruv who was sitting down under a tree, Ruv looked at Sarv. "What? Just gonna stare at me? You can sit here if you want."

"O-oh, no! No! It's okay Ruv! I'll be just standing here.." Ruv stared at Sarv curiously, "Okay then.".

Sarv looked away and breathes deeply.

"N-names Sarvente by the way. Sarv for short.." Sarv spoke while she wasnt facing Ruv.


,Sarvente's POV,


He looks weirdly familiar, feels like I have met him before. But-Ugh nevermind, "You alright there?".

I sharply turned around, sweat dripping down my face "I'm fine! Yeah.. totally.." I wiped the sweat on my face. "Yeah alright." I heard my name being called from distance.

"I gotta go! I'll see you again Ruv!" I ran as I waved, "Alright. See you.".

I looked Infront as I saw him waved back, when I reached the person who called me I stopped. "I'm exhausted!" I looked at the person who was a friend of mine, she was giggling.

"You shouldn't have ran Sarv!" I was breathing fast as I was staring at her, "I just wanted to be here as fast as I can!.." I spoke while panting.

"Hehe.. Alright, we need to go back in now. Come on!" I looked at my friend who walked away and going in the church, while I was getting my breath back.


I wonder where Ruv is gonna go.. I questioned myself as I went back in the church.


Thank you for reading!

And wow, it's only been a day and theres already 500+ readers? THANK YOU!

Time to make some more chapters, goodbye!

(Credits to Dokki for the picture!)


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