┊͙"May God Forgive You.." (XXIV)

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,Third Person POV,


Sarv sighed, "You know what? Just get here, okay? I'll see you soon. I have some guests over."

She ended the call, Sarv turned around and walked towards the two 'kids'. Sarv was a little surprised one of the kids had cyan hair. She cleared her throat, "Greetings! Sorry for the inconvenience, but are interested in joining?"

The cyan haired kid responded "Beep beep boop ba"

"Me and my boyfriend were just looking for the bathroom." The brunette kid talked (is gf.xml brunette?-)

Sarv went in shock because these two kids were dating, Sarv shook her head. "Awh but it seems like you two are perfect for this place, I'm sure of it!"

Once again, the kid with teal hair went beep boop. The brown haired girl gave Sarv a microphone, she then whispered something to Sarv leaving her confused.

Sarv just sighed, she held the microphone tight as she look at the girl who had finished plugging in all the things the speakers needed, she then sat on the speakers.

Sarv looked infront of her, she gulped and she heard the girl going 'three two one go!' Sarv had to sing the song that she made up in her mind, well.. kinda?


Ruv was walking to the church, he was slightly concerned why would there be guests in the church since it's Tuesday, he thought of the guests were just random kids or adults.

He wanted to get there faster, so he decided to pick up his speed. He's now walking more faster unlike earlier. Ruv hopes that nothing happens to Sarv, he just wanted her to be safe or something.

Ruv heard ambulances pass by him, even the police.


"Mom's really forcing these two fuckers to join the church that badly." Spoken by Selever, "Just wait until you see later brother.." Rasazy spoke quite softly

"I already know what's gonna happen idiot" Sel heard Ras close her book as she looked at him dead in the eyes. Selever had regret calling his sister an Idiot but he most likely ignore her.


The song was almost done, the girl just swaying her head on the speakers as Sarv forces them to join the Church still. After like a few seconds, Sarv and the boy was finished.

Sarv started to sweat a little as her hand twitches. "I see...I see how it is." Sarv growled quietly. The brunette and the blunette didnt felt any nervousness or scared, since they had went through a lot of things like this (Am i wrong tho? They had to battle Zardy, Tricky, Sky, etc).

"Its always kids like you who thinks they can enter this place freely. Just to make fun of it." Sarv spoke in a serious tone. It was quiet for a split second,

"..This time, I'll give you another chance to take my offer. I'll really love for you to join us."


Ruv was near the church, him whistling the song Sarv made for him. He liked the song Sarv made for him—Ruv had reached the church, he quietly went in.

Him hearing Sarv singing in a serious and quite fast way, like his song. Ruv sat down on the (magically) fallen and broken pillar, he just waited for Sarv to talk to her.


"This is fucking exciting!" Selever excitedly pointed it out, "Dad's just gonna shake the church with his own voice, imagine her accidentally turned on his mic." Rasazy slightly joked.

"An earthquake will happen then, at least were safe here." Selever spoke in confidence.




Everyone was quiet, Sarv felt like giving up but she still had a chance. Sarv was breathing heavily as she walked away slightly slouching, she then saw Ruv.
They were both quiet at first, all they could hear was Sarv breathing heavily.

"You finally came by.." Sarv wiped some of her sweat away.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Ruv...But it looks like you have to see me like this..." Sarv exclaimed, the criminal slightly squinted his eyes. "Its k."

Ruv cleared his throat, "It's my job to handle this kinds of stuff too anyway.."

Sarv did her last deep breath and sighed. She gave Ruv the mic, the mic (magically) went pink to grey-purple colour, Ruv slightly nodded as he stood up and started to walk towards the two 'kids'. Sarv then crossed her arms as she watched them talking. "You should've just ran away or joined the church while you could." was all Sarv could hear, so she decided to walk closer to them to hear Ruv more clearly.

"I'd say break a leg, but i might end up breaking yours literally." At that sentence made Sarv grin like a devil.

As the chattering ended, the music started. Ruv started making the church shake making the girl shake, Sarv hoped that the kid doesn't defeat Ruv.


As the beat dropped, the brunette shaked in so much fear that it looks like her soul was about to leave her body there, right now. Sarv stared at the blunette as her eyes slightly flickered to hot pink.

The blunette stared back at Sarv, he built up his confidence and sang his part. Sarv went shocked, the 'kid' didn't miss a thing. This left Sarv in pure shock.


"Oh my fucking Satan. Since when did the shake reached here in the fucking void?!" Selever shouted.

Rasazy shrugged since she didn't even really care a damn thing, she was busy reading a novel that she likes.


As the church shakes, Sarv was nervous and mad at the same time, she most wanted to punch a wall right now.

But she tried not to punch a wall until her knuckles bleed, Sarv just only thinks about that Ruv is trying his best to defeat the blunette, though she was impressed that Ruv still memorized the song properly.


The song was close to being finished the only part left was the blunettes, Ruv and the boy was slightly sweating, while the brunette was still shaking slightly.


The blunette had defeated Ruv, Sarv quietly walked beside Ruv. "I'm sorry Sarv.." Was Ruv all he could say.

"Its fine. It is, really.."

..Everyone became quiet, the blunette was just comforting his girlfriend. "I'm quite tired of this cat and mouse chase y'know?"

Everyone just stayed quiet, except for Sarv "So I want to let out a little secret of mine, lets keep this between the four of us okay?" Sarv held her own hands together as she raised them up slightly to her chest level, making the praying pose.

She smiled with her eyes closed. Ruv backed away slightly not knowing what to do, the blunette and brunette didn't suspect a thing they just only looked at eachother.


"May god forgive you.."


C l i f f H a n g e r lol

Okay I'm gonna go now, B y e

(Credits to Strwberry_Zak for the YT video, And Credits to Dokki for the game dialogue)


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