CHAPTER 7 ✑ The Letter

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Jihmm checked his pocket watch, "We'll take the train South at ten!".

"Jihmm, no! Trains get bombarded all the time...!" exclaimed Taehberius as they stepped out in the fresh air.

"We don't have a choice, Taehberius! We're out of strength and ammunition!" shouted Jihmm frustrated.

Grey clouds mounted the cerulean sky, sending a drizzle down on the streets of Jajusek. People took cover under umbrellas and inside shops or pubs. Selenya and the six brothers, taking turns carrying Hosea on their backs, trailed the city towards the central train station, overran with citizens, animal stock, steam, and thin sun-rays infiltrating the massive metal and glass roof.

At exactly ten o'clock, a platform guard blew a whistle and the train screeched. Jihmm took advantage of the hubbub and slipped inside the animal-stock wagon. The train gained speed and the group found a spare moment to recollect themselves, with the smelly cows and horses keeping them company.

"We need food...and water," said the prince after helping the others lay a bed of hay for Hosea.

"I can bring those," replied Jihmm.

Despite the fear of being bombarded by the enemy airforce, the brothers fell into a heavy slumber. The soporific sounds of the train tamed even the most restless of thoughts. All except for Selenya and Taehberius, that despite their crippling exhaustion, attended diligently to Hosea's every wound and bruise. Changed his clothes, fed him, and put him to sleep.

"That should do the trick," whispered Taehberius as he threw the last bloody cloth on the ground, "Now all he needs is a few hours of well-earned rest."

"As do we...," sighed Selenya while glancing at the snoring brothers, scattered around the wagon.

She got up and shoved all her potions back in her belt. As the atmosphere loosened, as nobody aimed a pistol or a sword at her, as the train took them closer to their destination, the onerous weight of lassitude rooted deep inside of her. A lump grew in her neck, her eyes stung. She wanted to cry, but also faint, but her trembling legs, writhed with adrenaline, wouldn't allow her to fall. Her turbulent stomach hindered her hunger and thirst. A ghostly pallor wiped every trace of color from her cheeks.

Taehberius stood right next to her. He noticed her momentary loss of strength and, without a word of inquiry, he enfolded her in his arms. She curled inside his embrace.

"It's alright, Selenya...," he murmured tenderly, sinking his face in her shoulder, "Everything is going to be alright..."

The words of gratitude were stuck in her throat, but she wrapped her arms around his torso, hoping to reciprocate the consolation.

After they slowly parted, Taehberius stared into her eyes. Selenya's heart started racing, feeling a sudden tingling sensation in her stomach. And as though unintentionally, unconsciously, driven by a stronger force, Taehberius leaned in and embedded his lips on hers. Taken aback, Selenya was petrified. But then, a wave of warmth engulfed her, like a realization, relief even, she kissed him back.

For only but a moment, and a moment only, the world became not. They were alone, there was no war nor a Realm to escape from, no exhaustion or harm, but only them, sharing a brief, but heaven-sent moment.

On a turn the train shuddered, staggering them and pinning the girl on the wall of the wagon. Taehberius did not stop, nor did Selenya want him to. They deepened the kiss as his arm traveled down her waist. He slipped his hand under her waistcoat and trailed the line of her spine over her shirt, making her gasp. She pulled his neck even closer, tugging gently on his thick hair and the collar of his shirt, resisting the impulse to tear it apart...

A cough emerged through the metal creaking of the train, hauling them back to reality. Taehberius withdrew hurriedly and Selenya cleared her throat awkwardly.

Hosea, half awaken, stared at them flabbergasted.

"I...I didn't know you guys were...were...," he uttered.

"Go back to sleep, Hosea," said his flustered brother while he adjusted his covering.

Selenya couldn't help but smile.

In the evening, when everyone was well-rested, they gathered all around for a chat. Hosea seemed momentarily back to his affable self, joining the conversation energetically and laying sidelong looks at Selenya and Taehberius, secretly holding hands whenever the opportunity arose.

"So, Hosea, what did the letter say exactly?" asked Jun while munching on a sandwich.

"Jihmm has a copy. You can read it for yourself," he replied.

The boy handed them the letter. All, including Selenya, knew how to read a coded message, so when the paper arrived in her hands, she and Taehberius read it together.

My beloved brothers,

And dearest Selenya,

The news from the front isn't the most pleasant, nor the most encouraging. The war is practically over. The Eastern Empire has prevailed over every part of the continent, swiping the battlefields, almost effortlessly if may be so audacious to admit, with their impressive war machines, seamless coordination, and substantial resources. We are outnumbered and outgunned. What keeps us going is the pride of our father, which is less than a good enough reason for the men to die for. I am tired of this dreadful outrage. In addition, the plague is ravaging all life, soldiers and civilians alike. It's as bad as they say. Deadly, relentless, and highly contagious. It is only a matter of time before it reaches the shores of our home, or even our new home, eventually.
And speaking of which, I finally deliver our possible route of salvation. But that is a conversation best done behind closed doors, face to face. Meet me in the city of Bolasaeg, at the Ronald Hotel. I'll be waiting eagerly for your arrival.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. Ask the receptionist about a military man, he'll know where to lead you.

The companions exchanged meaningful looks. Happy for reading Namjuniel's handwriting, but preoccupied about the ominous news.

"Things won't be as they were before...," commented Hosea, his serious tone striking them all, "You didn't let me finish previously. I did everything in my power to misinterpret the coded letter, although the agents torturing me had a vague idea of how to decipher it. With the aid of my extensive knowledge of geography, I sent them to a nearby village with a similar name as Bolasaeg. It's a dank bog in the middle of nowhere, which should give us time..."

"Well done, Hosea," said Yoon and patted him on the shoulder.

They all breathed a sigh of relief and a cow moaned.

The next day, the train made an emergency stop a few kilometers away from the station of Bolasaeg. The railway workers forced every passenger to disembark at a station in the thicket of a forest, while an announcement was being broadcasted:


The echo of the female announcer was swallowed up by the humid forest. The people had little to complain about since fear started settling down. Selenya and the six brothers exited the train stealthily and disappeared into the tiny village behind the station.

Jihmm swore heavily and kicked a trash barrel on the way.

"I knew this would happen...," growled Taehberius, "You know what this means right?"

"That we're screwed! That's what it means!" snapped Jinghim angrily.

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