Chapter 10

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Before long all the flappy birds were gone

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Before long all the flappy birds were gone. There was silence. Tsote hadn't done anything. Everyone looked at him. 

'Tsote?' Opit uttered. 

Tsote kept quiet. He never broke his gaze with the healer who after a deep moment of silence shrugged in question. He opened his mouth to speak and a little bird no one could hear or sense wings appeared just above the healer's head.

The healer saw everyone's gaze and lifted his eye. The bird was just an arm's reach above his head. He opened his mouth in surprise. And just as he was about to speak and the bird peed right into his mouth. He spat the bird's poo on the side. Before he could angrily get back at Tsote, the boy whistled! His whistle seemed to cut through the air as far out into the forest around the lone homestead. In a matter of seconds, birds of two kinds shot down through the gap in the ceiling. They flapped around the shelter. The boy had his arms held out and apart. His gaze was on the healer the whole time.

Everyone was terrified just before Tsote whistled the final command and uniquely waved his hands. The birds fled out fast and split into two kinds while entering the two different cages. Before they knew it the whole shelter was clear and each cage was composed of triple the number of birds there were earlier.

The healer was speechless!
He slowly stood up and walked to the back of the shelter like he was embarrassed about what just happened before the birds poured in. He put water in his mouth and rinsed it. He spat in a little pot on the side of some strangely curved table resembling a tortoise lying upside down.
Next, he took a little clothing and dried his mouth and hands. Then in a clear voice without looking back at them said;

'The dream is plain as can be... do exactly what you were asked to and the rest you leave to the gods...'

'I don't know how to build butterflies' nests and...'

'The gods will provide you a guide...' came the healer.

'You are the guide. Are you not?' came Master O'tet Roto.

'Not... because I am losing my gift... A sign that the gods are choosing someone new, but what an honour it would have been.'

'That's not true father...!' Came Master O'tet.

'The markings on your wife's body tell it and I feel the changes.... Look here.' The healer spoke while showing them his body markings. They were indeed fading.

'What did you do wrong...?' Master O'tet Rot asked touching his arm.

'Nothing. It's always the will of the givers...' the healer spoke solemnly. 'And it happens gradually.'

'Who then is it?' Came Opit Ramundo.

'No idea whom, but whoever they are, he or she will be chosen according to their impact on the welfare of the people of the down south.' The healer, an eighty-one-year-old man now spoke.

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