Chapter 9

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The elders were not willing to give up anything else but sunflower produce only

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The elders were not willing to give up anything else but sunflower produce only. And being the father of the down south sunflower fields, Menshi Yudo Ramundo's guidance mattered a lot!  
All of a sudden Menshi Yudo spoke with a clear voice. 

'I have heard everything....' Then paused for a while! Everyone waited for his next words. He took a deep sigh of relief before concluding. 'But if we still honour and cherish our Down-south spirit of brotherhood,... now is the best time to show it.'

'You very well know we don't have enough Honto dust...'

'There is enough to sustain two more villages through these times besides Marakusha...' Menshi Yudo spoke.

'I do not get you...' came Menshi Yudo Ramundo.

'He is not lying.' Came the Oggun, captain of the village guard. 'There are two other secret reserves of Honto dust in Marakusha. And...'

'This must be a joke...!' came Menshi Yudo Ramundo in such distrust. 'Because there is nothing about Marakusha, its secrets and people my nephew knows that I do not.'

'Captain Oggun?' came Menshi Yudo Ramundo.

'Yes Menshi...' came Capt. Oggun.

'Please, show him!' Menshi Yudo Ramundo stated while stepping aside. 'But him alone!'

'Father...?' came the son while stepping away from his seat. 'Please....'

'On one condition Menshi...!'

'On condition?' came Menshi D'amunsa in disbelief like he hadn't heard the first time.

'Yes.' Menshi Yudo Ramundo replied.

'On what condition...?' Menshi D'amunsa asked in such a proud and authoritative manner and tone!

There was a long moment of silence before Menshi D'amunsa nodded.
All of a sudden pain struck Menshi Yudo in the lower sides of his belly. His sight went fuzzy as he staggered dizzily. He leaned forwards on his stick to gain balance.

Tsote and Opit heard the bread baker's condition which was to grant Chief Chenoya and the down southern kinsmen all he requested in his letter without question. Menshi D'amunsa accepted in a very doubtful manner.

With that Menshi Yudo Ramundo thanked the messenger for taking the initiative to come this far despite the dangers of the miles between M'gonga and Marakusha.

Master Yudo returned to his shelter, a village messenger rushed up breathing heavily. He reported something which worried him a lot! Tsote could see fear across Master O'tet Roto's face. The boys saw while they approached him but never heard what exactly the message was. Master O'tet Roto quickly turned to return to Master Yudo Ramundo's shelter. He needed to report what he just heard so he could leave immediately.

As he turns around, the boys hurried up and Opit called quickly.
'Master O'tet Roto?'

The man turned but ignored them. Opit called him again.
'Master O'tet Roto, we seek to speak to you about something very important.'

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